24. Pyro

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Agnar watches as Kit puts the pieces of the puzzle together, the girl has been in denial since he revealed the truth to her, and he realizes that there is only one way to make her believe him.

So he calls Antya, his second-in-command and orders her to bring Jade and Scorpia to him.

- I don't believe you - She finally says, getting to her feet and going to him, Agnar must admit, Kit is brave, there is fear in her eyes, but she doesn't carry it in any other part of her body, slamming up against him and refusing to look vulnerable in front of him.

She is a hard rock to break.

- You may be telling the truth about you and these others being vampires, but not Jade, I know her, she would never hide something like that from me.

Agnar sighs, adjusting the buttons on his shirt sleeve.

- Darling, there are many other things she is hiding from you- he says, feeling tired of Kit's incessant denial, the girl seemed to enjoy deluding herself when the truth was laid open in front of her.

She finally hesitates and doubt flashes across her eyes, but only for a second, so quickly that if he hadn't been looking at her, he would never have noticed.

A knock sounds on the door and Glenn, one of the vampires he's posted as Kit's bodyguard, pokes her head inside the room.

- She's here- she says briefly.

Agnar smiles at Kit.

- Well look at that, looks like you'll get to see the truth with your own eyes. - He says, turning and ordering Glenn to tie Kit's hands again.

Agnar crushes his cigarette on the table next to the cold bowl of soup and leaves the room, with Kit, Glenn and Vanessa behind him.

As he gets close to the dining hall, he hears Scorpia and Jade's screams, and hears the hiss of his creation, he looks back and realizes that Kit also recognises Jade's voice.

- See for yourself dear - He says putting his hands on the handles of the double doors - See the real Jade.

When he opens the doors, they are faced with Scorpia and Jade attacking the vampires present there, Scorpia has knives in her hands and is stabbing two of them, while Jade, has her fangs stuck in the neck of one of the younger vampires, passing her poison to him, making him scream in pain.

Kit stops abruptly at the sight and a gasp escapes her lips, she widens her eyes.

Jade lifts her head, blood dripping down her chin, her eyes with dark shadows and her skin cold and pale, and when she sees Kit, her eyes widen and she freezes, she lets go of the vampire and takes a step back.

- Do you see Kit now? - Agnar says with a smile - I wasn't lying.


Kit's heart beats fast in her chest, she feels sick and terrified, the sight of Jade covered in blood, with long fangs dripping a clear liquid, like poison, and watching her tear that man's neck apart like an animal.

Kit feels her floor crumble and she has to brace herself against the door.

Jade takes a step forward, and Kit steps back, startled, Jade tries to wipe her face but what she does instead is spread the blood on her cheeks even more.

Jade really is a vampire, a killer by instinct...

And Kit had been loving her this whole time... completely oblivious to the fact that his girlfriend had killed someone.

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