43. My Blood

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Magical creatures have a different reproduction cycle, it can take hundreds of years for a fairy to conceive a child.

So every time a fairy becomes pregnant, it is the cause for long celebrations and feasts, the miracle of reproduction needs to be worshiped with all the beautiful things nature offers.

It was confusing for magical creatures how humans, who could reproduce like rabbits, did not find it as rare and fascinating to have a baby as fairies did.

One only problem with conceiving a magical creature, is that the child was not always born blessed with magic, sometimes it took years for the first signs of connection with nature to appear, and sometimes it never happens.

Such was the case with the child that the fairy queen, Cherlindrea, carried in her womb, the best seers in the magical realm had revealed that Cherlindrea's child would be born with dormant magic, which would remain dormant until it was awakened, and this could take decades.

The night the girl was born, it was cold and winter, and Cherlindrea spent all day in her tree house, being cared for by the best midwives in the kingdom.

It was almost time for the birth, the contractions were like torture for the fairy, and made her want to rip her insides out, it was then when a long sharp pain pierced her heart, taking her to the depths of a vision.

In her vision, Cherlindrea sees a young girl with long dark hair, blue eyes as clear as the sky, running through a crowded marketplace hand in hand with another young girl, with long curly hair as red as fire, both laughing, the vision warps and then the same young girl with dark hair appears, but shorter this time, and she's facing a young man possessed by one of the demons of the Wyrm, defending a young girl with red hair.

The vision warps again, and it is then that Cherlindrea understands what the message of her vision is, as she sees the same girl, years in the future, with the same fire-haired woman, fighting the servants of the Wyrm in an arduous and bloody battle.

And when Cherlindrea sees herself standing beside the young girl, with a different face, but still the same soul, she understands her role in all this history, she understands why the gods blessed her with this child.

When Cherlindrea returns from her vision, she hurries the midwives to call the priestess to be present.

Cherlindrea was not about to give birth to a new soul, a new baby, she was about to give birth to an ancestral soul, one that came many years before her and would come many years after, the soul of the child that would save the world from the cruelty of the Wyrm.

When the priestess finally arrives, in the midst of her pain, Cherlindrea asks her to perform a ritual, so that Cherlindrea could bind a piece of her soul to that of the child, so that when the day came, and it had been years since her death, she could return in that different body and be able to help her daughter when the last battle took place, the one that would end the Wyrm forever.

The birth was painful and bloody, but the moment the child was born and Cherlindrea held her for the first time and saw those big blue eyes like the sky, the fairy knew what her name would be, the same name she had been carrying since her first life.

- I name you Kit - She says with her voice choking with emotion - Princess of the fairies and I bless your destiny, you will save us all.

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