32. Medicine

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For Jules, Nic, Oli, Sawyer, Noodle, Enya, Grace, Kenny and Hayz, because you guys are still here and have been so supportive it makes me wanna cry.

And for Cooley, you've been one of the most excited people to read my fanfic, and you're happiness and excitement really lights my heart.

And for all of my readers, thank you for loving my story.

There wasn't a part of Kit that wasn't terrified.

It's real, she thinks, everything she's heard is real.

Raziel finishes lighting the candles, forming a circle around Kit. Ross had withdrawn at Raziel's request, because the ritual they would perform should be shared only by both of them.

- You don't need to feel afraid- Raziel says, taking her trembling hands and stepping into the circle with her, -I'll be here the whole time, and I'll intervene if you ask me to.

Kit nods and takes a deep breath, she does her best to calm herself and closes her eyes.

- Invoke the memory little by little - Raziel says in a soft voice.

She begins to murmur the spell in a low voice, her voice sounding like that of a mother singing a lullaby to her child.

Kit thinks of Jade, of her curls as red as the sun, of her brown eyes that, when looked at closely, you can see little golden flecks in her irises, like drops of gold.

Kit thinks about Jade's skin, about her freckles that run all over her body, like a thousand constellations, she remembers her smell, the smell of marigolds and homemade soap, Jade smelled like home.

Kit feels a tear run down her cheek, her fingers tingle and her head begins to spin slowly.

Kit remembers Jade's smile, the kind of smile that was enough to brighten the saddest of her days, just a smiling look from Jade was able to transform Kit, like something magical, something that shouldn't exist.

The Influence that Jade had over Kit and vice versa was something she felt shouldn't exist, but there it was, strong and firm, she felt as if their souls were tied to each other, and there was no power or magic that could separate them.

Like soulmates.

Finally, she remembered Jade's voice, her touch on her skin, her kisses and caresses, the way she looked at Kit, with such admiration and love that it made Kit feel like the most beautiful woman in the world.

There was nothing like Jade's love, Kit had never felt like this in her entire life, it was like something that had come from eons ago, something ancestral and pure.

The air around Kit changes, and she feels as if she is levitating, being lifted into the air by invisible hands, she feels the immense urge to open her eyes, but then she hears Raziel's soft voice in her chant and she returns to her stupor state, immersing herself in her memories of Jade.

The memories shuffle with the visions, blending together as one, as if the Jade in her visions is the same in her memories.

Then Kit sees fangs and blood, she sees Jade, with her fangs digging into that vampire's neck, tearing him apart like a wild animal, she sees her face, full of blood and with an expression of satisfaction as she takes the life of the man in her arms.

Horrified screams ring out in Kit's ears, so loud and terrified that she freaks out, covering her ears and screaming, she screams for help and for an stop, the screams sounding so frightening Kit's whole body creeps.

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