13. Cardigan

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When Agnar said he had turned on a light in her office, he was being literal.

He had set her office on fire, dousing even the smallest things in fuel.

Jade and Kit's swords had melted in the heat of the blue fire.

Jade watches the firemen fill the store with water, trying to contain the fire, but it burns strong, like the hatred in Jade's heart, consuming everything precious and good.

Beside her, Scorpia is in a dangerous silence, she keeps her hands in her pants pockets, she doesn't even blink.

Jade is a copy of her sister, with her hands in the pockets of her jacket, her expression closed, she looks at all her treasures and memories of Kit and the many lives she had before being consumed by fire.

But all her emotions are dissolved when she hears a familiar voice calling her name.

She doesn't turn around, but she feels her chest ache.

- Jade - Kit appears among the people who had gathered to watch the tragedy, she opens her eyes widen when she sees her and comes running towards her, hugging her tightly - What happened? Are you alright?

Jade closes her eyes, inhaling Kit's familiar sweet smell, she wraps her arms around her body and buries her face in the space between Kit's shoulder and neck.

- I'm fine- she says -The office was empty when it happened.

Kit pulls away, holding Jade's face between her hands, making sure she's not hurt.

- What happened? - she asks, taking Jade's hands.

- The fire department is saying that it was an act of vandalism- Jade says, lying to Kit.

Kit's expression becomes sad, Jade lowers her head, not wanting to look the girl in the eye right after she lied to her.

- I'll find who did this- Kit says, with coldness and hatred in her voice -and I'll burn them alive, I promise.

Jade resists the urge to crack a smile; Kit's aggressiveness can be funny at times, but sinister at others.

Scorpia moves on Jade's side, attracting the redhead's attention, her sister has her eyes firmly fixed on an approaching fireman, he carries an iron box in his hands, Kit distracted her so much that she barely noticed that the fire had been put out.

- Excuse me ladies - he says, stopping in front of Jade, he hands her the box - This is all we managed to save, I'm sorry for your loss - Jade nods, taking the box.

The fireman walks away, Jade stares at the box for several minutes before opening it.

Inside, there are only two things.

A sealed, enveloped letter, and Kit's old necklace, which consisted of a cord and a jade stone wrapped around a string.

The necklace that Kit carried around his neck.

Jade takes the letter, feeling her body goose bumps, she feels both Scorpia's and Kit's gazes on her.

She opens the letter, recognizing Agnar's handwriting immediately.

"Sweet Jade,

Don't take it to the heart, I know how attached you are to all these things, but I'm doing you a big favor, I'm freeing you from your past.

And of course, I can't get over the fact that this is still a punishment, you crossed a line that should never be crossed, and you pay with what is most precious to you, and only one thing more precious to you than your sweet beloved Kit

Your memories.

With love, AM"

The blood in Jade's veins running like fire, she turns to Scorpia and hands the box into her hands, approaching her and looking deep into her sister's eyes without saying a word.

Scorpia takes the box, and with her other hand, she gently holds the back of Jade's neck, she deposits a soft kiss on her forehead before turning and walking away, taking the box with her.

Jade turns to Kit, who looks as confused and lost as a child.

Jade takes her by the hand and leads her away from there.


Kit enters the room with the hot mug of tea in her hands, she hands it to Jade and sits down next to her on the bed.

Jade's apartment is incredibly spacious and rich, Jade's couch alone is equivalent to what all the furniture in Kit's living room was worth.

Not that she was bothered by this, Kit was never ambitious for money, her ambitions focused on many other things: adventures, knowledge, experiences...


The girl watches Jade sip her tea in silence, she hasn't said a word since they entered , half an hour ago.

Kit sighs before trying to talk.

- Who was that woman?- she asks, trying not to focus on the fire.

Jade finally seems to react; she lifts her head, looking at Kit.

- My sister, Scorpia- she says.

- Oh, wow, this is certainly not the way I imagined I would meet your family.

Jade laughs, looking down at her mug and shaking her head.

- Yes, she certainly didn't imagine it would be like this.

Kit raises her eyebrows.

- You told her about me? -she smiles.

Jade blushes, blinking her eyes.

- Okay, I think that's enough information for you for today- she says, getting up and putting her mug on the table.

- Hey, don't - Kit pulls her around the waist, hugs her belly and looks up-  Don't do this to me, I just want to know more about your family.

Jade sighs and holds Kit's face in her hands.

- That's pretty much it- Jade says -I just have Scorpia.

Kit tilts her head.

- So I want to know everything about Scorpia- she smiles.

Jade does her best to bite her cheeks and not smile, but she fails miserably, she leans in and kisses Kit, erasing all worries and thoughts from her mind, Kit feels Jade's weight pressing down on her and she lies back, bringing Jade with her, she feels her heart speed up like a rocket and her hands tremble lightly.

She holds jade's face, sighing and wanting more, at this moment it doesn't matter what happened, it doesn't matter that jade's office caught fire, it doesn't matter that Kit has a great chance to be going crazy or just cursed by some idiot.

All that matters and all that she wants is Jade, all that her body and soul desire is Jade.

In this very moment, where their lips meet so tenderly, where their hands explore each other's bodies, where their souls intertwine like eternal lovers, nothing, absolutely nothing, is more important than Jade.

The woman with the fire-colored hair slowly moves away, caressing Jade's face.

- It's been an exhausting day, how would you like to sleep here with me?

Kit's heart races and she feels an intense chill in her stomach.

She nods slowly, Jade smiles, and it's as if Kit breaks down right there.

How did Jade do that? Disarming all of Kit's defenses with just a smile, that damn irresistible smile.

Jade's whole face lit up when she smiled.

And as long as Jade smiled, Kit could never say no to her.

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