11. Let Me

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The first thing she hears are voices talking in the distance, Kit opens her eyes slowly, she finds herself lying in the open, on a small island in the middle of the Shattered Sea, the sky around her with thousands of stars shining, with Jade asleep in her arms.

She frowns, what the fuck?

Kit stands up enough to see two men talking, one of them is tall as a post and hairy, and the other...

Professor Ronan.

Kit's skin creeps, what the actual fuck?

Jade moves and sinks her face into Kit's chest, grumbling, Kit hugs her closer and smiles, forgetting completely about the two men in there.

Jade opens her eyes and lifts her head slightly, she watches Kit for a few minutes before saying in a soft, low voice:

- We'll find Airk, Kit, you don't need to be afraid.

The words come out of Kit's mouth automatically, as if her lips are moving by themselves and she cannot control them.

- But what if it's already too late?- she says - What if he...

- Hey - Jade props herself up on her elbows, looking deep into Kit's eyes - Don't say that, he's fine, don't let these thoughts drag you into dark places Kit.

Kit wakes up, shivering in her bed, she squeezes her eyes shut to the bright light coming in through the windows.

Kit sits up and frowns.... It's happened again, whatever that is.

It had happened before, when Kit had seen her and that boy in her vision, and she had forgotten... Why does she keep forgetting these visions? It's as if they are slipping out of her memory on purpose.

Kit gets out of bed, motivated to go to the director of the institution and ask for a check up to make sure Kit wasn't bewitched by some kind of vision curse...

The doorbell rings, Kit curses, stumbling over the mess of clothes she has left all over her room, Kit has this sinful habit of not folding her clothes and just throwing them around.

Kit pulls up her pajama trousers, the elastic had snapped and they were extremely loose on her.

Kit looks at the wall watch as she walks down the hall, her jaw dropping when she sees what time it is.

The doorbell rings again.

- I'm fucking coming! - Kit shouts, walking to the door - Don't you have anything to do? Coming to wake me up at eight o'clock in the morning? I'll slap your face so hard it'll send you all the way to Galla... - She shuts up when opens the door and sees Jade there, with plastic bags in her hands.

Jade smiles.

- Good to know- she says, -I guess I should be going then, before you give me such a powerful slap and...

- You're not going anywhere-  Kit says, smiling and pulling Jade inside by her blouse.

She closes the door, she snatches the bags from Jade's hands and pulls her, kissing her intensely.

Kit feels her heart heat up as Jade wraps her arms around her and kisses Kit with the same intensity, making her sigh in her arms.

Kit pulls away  some minutes later and still in Jade's arms, she leans towards the bags.

- What's this you brought?

Jade laughs and pulls Kit away from the bags with such agility that it's as if Kit weighs like a feather.

- This here is my breakfast- Jade says, leaning against the arm of Kit's couch.

- Yours?- Kit repeats, -not ours?

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