28. How Villains Are Made

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content: blood, death and extreme violence.

Jade watches Kit, she hasn't woken up yet, her injuries were taken care of earlier and now she's stuck in some sort of induced sleep because of the poison in her system.

Worst of all, Jade has no idea if Kit has been transformed or not.

Scorpia enters the room, massaging her neck and snapping her bones back into place.

Jade stands up .

- What happened to you ? - She approaches her sister, helping her put her bones back in place.

- Antya - Scorpia says - That bitch broke my neck.

Jade looks towards the door, ready to go after Antya, Scorpia holds her shoulder.

- Agnar already took care of it - She says with a sour tone, she turns to Kit - How is she?

Jade sighs and leans back against the bed, crossing her arms.

- Sleep induced, not sure when she'll wake up- She says.

Scorpia sits down next to Kit and watches her in silence, then she tilts her head and frowns.

- Who tended to her wounds? - Scorpia asks.

Jade shrugs.

- I don't know her name, a vampire novice, why?

Scorpia slowly takes off the bandage and shows it to Jade, there's only a little blood.

- She's not bleeding - She looks down at Kit's neck and her skin pales - Jade.

Jade quickly moves closer and sees the skin on Kit's neck, untouched and perfectly healed, with no sign of the injuries from before.

- No - She says, climbing onto the bed and placing her ear to Kit's chest - no no no no.

- Jade Jade - Scorpia says - Maybe it's just the poison.

Jade reaches up and takes Kit's hands, looking for any sign of claws, or fangs in her gums.

- He couldn't have done that, could he? - Jade asks looking at Scorpia - You have to die to be transformed.

Scorpia looks away, not answering.

- What? - Jade asks - What Scorpia?

Scorpia takes a deep breath

- Are you sure her heart was beating the whole time? - She says - Sometimes just one second is enough, Jade.

- No! - Jade says with tears in her eyes - Kit can't be destined for that kind of life.

- There is no way of knowing unless she wakes up - Scorpia says, and as she speaks, Glenn enters the room.

- It's time - She says .

Jade looks at Scorpia, who nods.

- I'll stay here with her - She says - Go.

Jade lets go of Kit's hand and leaves the room behind Glenn, she follows to the stairs leading to the basement, they both pass through the cell corridor, where the only thing that can be heard are the prisoners' moans of pain.

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