25. When The Party's Over

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Agnar stumbles down the corridor of the ship, the rocking of the waves against the ship's pulp making him feel queasy, he passes people coughing and crying, mourning the loss of their recently deceased family members.

The ship was infected, an imbecile had hidden a person sick with leprosy, and thanks to that, now over half the ship was infected, and those who weren't, were locked outside to prevent contagion.

Agnar would not get sick, no matter if he rubbed his skin against the wounds of one of the lepers, he would never catch the disease thanks to his vampiric nature, but no one would let him out of there.

He enters the area where there are individual rooms, his room is at the end of the corridor, he feels weak, he hasn't fed in days, and just the thought of feeding on one of the sick made him sick.

He is almost in his room when a woman approaches and touches his arm, he turns and gazes at a young woman, she wears gloves, covering the leprosy wounds on her hands, but despite this, she seems to be only very early in the disease.

- Forgive me for disturbing you sir - she whispers - but would it be too much trouble if I asked to speak to you alone?

Agnar frowns.

- Excuse me, madam, but I am in a hurry...

- You are one of the creatures of darkness, are you not?

Agnar's eyes widen and he looks around to make sure no one around him heard her, he takes her by the arm and drags her to her room, slamming the door behind him.

- How do you know that?- he asks.

The woman wrings her hands, her curly red hair falling in her face as she lowers her head.

- In my kingdom- She says- We are taught that the creatures of darkness walk among us, hidden from the hunters and that once in a while, they are merciful and turn victims on the verge of death into one of them.

Agnar snorts, ah yes sure, he should have seen that coming.

- Lady, I will not turn you ...- he starts to say.

- Not me sir - She says - My sister, she is in a very bad state - She joins her hands in supplication - She is already delirious and I fear she won't survive long - Tears fill her eyes - Please sir, she is the only family I have left, and she is just a girl.

Agnar takes a deep breath, the woman in front of him must not be older than 36.

- Why do you ask for her sister and not yourself?- he asks and indicates her gloved hands - Your leprosy is just beginning, you could survive.

She looks at her hands and sighs.

- Sir I don't want to abuse your kindness - she says - And if there is any chance that one of us can be saved, then I will always pray for my sister - She looks at him - And besides, there is a payment, you look about to faint, white as a ghost, it would be more than right that I offer my blood in exchange for Jade's cure.

Agnar analyzes what she offers, he was really hungry, and feeding on her would be better than any other sick full of wounds, when his leprosy just hit her hands.

And at least, at the end of it all, he would have a surviving companion when he leave the ship.

So Agnar agrees to turn her sister, asking her to meet him that night in the corridor of rooms and then take him to her sister.

The woman more than relieved thanks him and almost kneels down, but he stops her, making her leave his room.

He sits down on his bed, removing his long leather jacket dyed turquoise green, Agnar was part of the House of Kader, a coven of vampires pretending to be a family of ancestral heritage, that's why he could afford so fine clothes

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