44. Yellow Flicker Beat

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Kit watches Raziel give Layla instructions.

Cherlindrea, one of her many mothers, and certainly the most remarkable.

Jade is talking to Elora on the phone, apparently she and Graydon were having trouble with the wizards of Oorla.

Kit takes advantage of the moment of distraction and goes to the kitchen, where she sits down and takes a deep breath, closing her eyes.

She has been composed until now, pretending that everything was fine, that she was ready for what was to come, but the truth is that she is scared and afraid, she has faced the Crone before as well as Bavmorda, but she has never fought the Wyrm itself.

What if she's not strong enough? What if something goes wrong?

Kit was terrified, but she wouldn't let either Jade or the others see that, this is no time to be afraid.

She takes another deep breath, rubbing her hands on her thighs and standing up, shaking the nervousness from her body.

- Come on Kit- she says to herself - You never were the coward type, take heart!

She starts to walk back to Raziel's room when she sees through the blue curtains of the windows, something moving outside.

Kit approaches slowly, her hands suddenly becoming cold.

She snoops through the curtains and she gasps as she is startled by the sight outside Cherlindrea's house.

Monsters, dozens of them, standing in squads, all facing the house, scaring the people on the street, who rush to get away.

They look like statues, standing still, waiting.

Kit rushes off to go call the others.

Jade immediately hangs up the phone as Kit rushes in.

- The window - Kit points to the windows - Look!

Cherlindrea, Layla and Jade follow to the window, and when they see what's outside, Jade turns to Cherlindrea.

- Is there any other way out?

- No - Cherlindrea answers calmly - I chose this house exactly because it has only one exit, we will have to face them.

- There are at least a hundred of them out there - Layla exclaims.

- Don't worry dear - Cherlindrea says - You wait here inside, until we have cleared the way and then you escape to the forest to the north.

- I have a shed in that area - Jade says - Find a place to hide until we get there.

Kit exchanges a look with Jade, who steps closer, pulling her daggers from her boots.

- You still remember how to do hand-to-hand combat? - she asks.

- Jade- Kit says - It's been a lifetime since I've touched a blade. I'm not even sure this body knows what to do.

- Here - Cherlindrea opens one of her many chests and takes out a long and heavy black pistol, with a leather buttstock and semi-automatic - This will help you more than a sword.

She puts the gun in Kit's hands, which turns out to be lighter than she thought it would be, and proceeds to take weapons from inside the trunk.

She raises her eyebrows as she pulls out a long semi-curved sword from there, and hands it to Jade.

Kit would find it funny to fight with a sword when technology offered them better choices as firearms, if she didn't know the damage her girlfriend could do with a simple blade.

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