47. Die First

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Jade, Boorman and Scorpia walk through the city in silence, aware of their surroundings, there is not even a soul in the streets, the city is completely empty.

She was beginning to wonder if Arann was still there.

When they finally reach Agnar's mansion, Jade hesitates as an untimely thought passes through her mind.

Maybe this is the trap, to lure Jade away from Kit, maybe the Wyrm's servants are at this very moment heading to the shed to trap her.

- We need to go back- Jade says - Now.

She turns and runs into a mountain of muscle, behind her, three tall, strong vampires.

- But you just got here- a voice behind them says, the vampires making room for a man to pass.

Jade feels her heart stop as the man reveals himself, he is tall and pale, he has very long brown hair, and his eyes are a ghostly gold.

For a moment she thinks that is Agnar, but then she sees the scar that runs across his face from the top of his forehead to his jaw, the scar is irregular and long, like lightning.

- It is a pleasure to finally meet you Jade Claymore - He says, his voice is like the purr of a cat, like Agnar's - My name is Arann, I am Agnar's twin brother.

Scorpia slams her claws against his thigh, every instinct in her body screaming for her to attack Arann and destroy his neck in the same instant.

She stares at him with a deadly stare, he barely said two words and she, Boorman and Jade are surrounded by a dozen vampires.

- Agnar never mentioned a brother- Jade retorted, closing her fists.

- I believe there are many things about my clan that Agnar has never mentioned to you- Arann cracks a cruel smile- Did he happen at any point to mention that he used to be my personal enforcer?

Jade doesn't let the surprise get to her expression, instead she half-closes her eyes and says:

- What do you want? Scorpia says you want to propose a truce.

- Ah yes, Scorpia - He shifts his eyes towards his sister, who looks at him like she's about to impale him at any moment - Yes I have a truce proposal - He approaches Jade - Do you mind coming in with me?

- I'm not going anywhere with you - Jade says, spitting on the ground - Just say your piece.

Arann sighs.

- Very well - He says and opens a smile - The proposal is: I will remove my entire clan and the subjects of the Wyrm from Tir Asleen, we will leave far away and never return, the people of the city will remain intact and unharmed - He exchanges glances with his vampires, his smile widening as he looks at Jade - All you have to do is give me Princess Kit.

- No - Jade answers without thinking twice

- I would think about it if I were you - Arann says - Look, there's...

- No - Jade insists - I would never give Kit to you

Arann looks at her with disgust, he lets out a long sigh.

- Well, then you give me no other choice, my dear.

Jade doesn't know what happens next, but it's very quick, the sound of arrows whistling through the air and when she least realizes it, there's a dart in the middle of her chest, seconds before she falls into a deep, anesthetic sleep.


Kit frowns as she returns from her long search for Jade and finds Cherlindrea and Agnar talking low among themselves.

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