39. Peer Pressure

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Kit wakes up slowly, she feels arms wrapping around her waist from behind and a slow breath on the back of her neck.

She closes her eyes, enjoying the feeling, she had spent so much time away from Jade and she missed being in her arms so much, that now that she is finally where she belongs, she is afraid it will be gone, like water running through her fingers.

- You've gotten into the habit of talking in your sleep - Jade says, her voice sounding husky and low, she rests her chin on Kit's shoulder.

Kit smiles with closed lips, interlacing her fingers with Jade's and turning to her.

- Does my muttering bother you? - She asks, wrapping her hands around Jade's face.

- Not at all- she says, taking Kit by the waist and leaning in to kiss her neck, she sighs against Kit's skin -I've missed you so much.

- Me too- Kit whispers, hugging Jade, -Gods I did miss you so hard! - She slides her hands through Jade's curls, rolling onto the bed to be over her, she looks deep into those brown eyes.

- Oh yeah?- Jade smiles - Well you must be a great actress then, I never would have noticed.

- What's that supposed to mean? - Kit laughs

Jade rises up on her elbows, supporting Kit's weight on her, their bodies nestling together as if they were made for each other, like pieces of the same puzzle.

- You were so mad at me- Jade says, her tone turning serious, she watches Kit, -I thought I'd lost you forever.

Kit looks at Jade, feeling her chest tighten just at the memory of what they've both been through, in this and all their other lives.

Kit stands up, sitting on Jade's lap and holding her face in her hands.

- I didn't understand before- she says sincerely, -I was heartbroken and confused and angry, and I blamed you for what happened, and for that...I'm so sorry Jade...

Jade raises up straight, wrapping her hands around Kit's and looking into her eyes.

- You had every right, you just got caught up in that situation because of me- she sighs, -The truth is, Agnar realized that you were a weak point for me and used you to his advantage.

- I don't need to be - Kit says - I don't want to be your weak point Jade, you and I know very well that I can defend myself, I'm not like ... other times - She says hesitantly - I have my magic now.

Jade opens a slight smile, brushing Kit's fringes away from her face.

- No matter if you were the most powerful woman on the face of this earth, you will always be my weak point. - She deposits a light kiss on her lips -I think I just need to get used to not letting it make me hesitate.

Kit smiles and watches the beautiful woman in front of her for a few minutes, she no longer needed to memorize her freckles and marks, or the tone of her red curls and the golden flecks in her eyes, they came to memory easily now, as if they were part of herself, impossible to forget.

- What happened? - Jade asks, finally - How did you manage to unlock all your memories?

Kit touches the necklace around her neck, which only now Jade becomes aware of its existence, she must have been too wrapped up in lust and love last night to notice the golden cord around her beloved's neck.

Jade immediately recognises the blood protective spell, which belonged to Kit in one of their lives.

She gasps, surprised.

- Where did you...

- She's alive- Kit smirks, -I mean, she was resurrected in a different body and now she's called Raziel now, which is a cruel irony to be honest.

- She's alive? - Jade inquires.

Kit nods.

- She helped me break the chains of the spell that kept my memories in darkness- she said, turning over the amulet in her hands, -She said it was only possible because in this life I was born with magic.

- So you remember absolutely everything? - Jade asks, her heart tightening in her chest with emotion, she feels as if this is a dream and at any moment she is going to wake up.

- Yes - Kit smiles and tears of emotion come to her eyes - Every memory, every little memory - She kisses Jade's hands and comes closer - Of all our lives, from the first to the last.

Jade sighs and it's as if a huge weight comes off her back, causing so much relief that she feels tears welling up in her eyes, she sinks her face into Kit's shoulder..

- Hey, why are you crying? - Kit asks, confused, -Isn't this a good thing?

- Yes- Jade holds her face, cracking the biggest smile of all, -It's a wonderful thing, Kit.

Kit cracks a smile and holds Jade's hands, she feels an euphoric feeling fill her chest.

- This time - Jade says, with tears in her eyes - It'll be different, it has to be different, okay? - She shakes her head - I can't lose you this time, okay? I can't...

- You won't- Kit says holding her face as well, making her look straight into her eyes - You won't lose me, I promise, it'll be different this time, I'm not going anywhere.

Jade nods, and despite the truth and certainty in their hearts, she understands Jade's fear, she herself feels terrified at the idea of her tragic history repeating itself.

Jade leans in and kisses Kit, her lips salty thanks to her tears, and the kiss that once began full of fear and trepidation soon becomes warm and full of love, all thoughts and words laden with anguish dissipate into thin air, and there is nothing but Kit and Jade, united as one soul.

Kit smiles as Jade leans forward, causing her to lean back, she curls her foot into the blankets as she tries to stretch them out.

- You're going to make me fall here- Kit says between kisses.

Jade smiles and ignores her, continuing to kiss her with passion.

- I love you so much that it hurts my soul, it's as if what I feel for you is too big to fit in my chest. - Jade says, kissing her neck, entwining their hands together -You Kit Tanthalos - she raises her eyes to look at her lover -Are like a drug to me.

Kit laughs.

- Why ? - She asks - because you know I'm bad for you but you can't stop ?

Jade laughs, running her fingers along Kit's jaw.

- No- she says, -Because everyone says you're going to ruin my life, but everything you bring me is exactly what I desire and want most- She kisses the line of Kit's face, whispering against her skin, making Kit's skin crawl.- And I could choose to stop, I could choose to say no to you - She looks deep into Kit's big blue eyes - But I just don't want to, and I have no intention of doing so. - She sighs, she feels herself melting in Kit's hands, she could mold her anyway she wanted, Jade would follow her into the depths of hell. - You are the love of my life, my soulmate Kit, I can never resist you, there is no limit when it comes to my love for you, there is no creature in the world that would stop me from finding you.

- And there's not a creature in the world that would keep me from coming back to you- Kit says, -not in this world or any other. - She smiles - And woe betide anyone who tries to keep me from being next to my beautiful, beautiful Jade - She leans toward Jade and whispers - In another life I'd even call you my wife, but I think those vows need to be renewed for that to happen.

Jade flashes a lazy smile.

- Just give the order, my princess- she says, -and I will fall to my knees at your feet.

Kit laughs and Jade kisses her, holding her tightly against herself.

Neither Kit nor Jade knew what was going to happen, what threats might come their way, but they promised to stay together, no matter what, two lovers making promises they both have no idea if they can keep, but they wish with all their hearts and will do everything in their power to stop the worst from happening.

After all, isn't that exactly what it means to love?

We Go Down Together [ ENGLISH VERSION ]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon