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Kit glides through the soap-filled bathroom, the bubbles flying around her as she dances to the upbeat music she has put on the stereo at high volume.

She unleashes her magic into the bathroom, and the sponges and brushes come to life and begin to clean the walls and floor by themselves, while the bucket pours water to wash away the excess soap, causing more bubbles to float around Kit.

Cleaning the house has never been more fun.

She leaves the bathroom, letting the cleaning objects do their work without her, and goes into the living room, drying her wet legs with a towel.

Normally, Jade and her let the maid they hired clean the house, but today Kit was feeling sad, so she decided to do the work herself, to occupy her mind with something other than her depressing thoughts.

She had already finished most of the house, and now all that was left was the basement.

Kit still didn't understand why old houses like this needed basements, it was such a useless room, but she guessed if they didn't have it, they wouldn't have room for all the stuff Jade put in there.

She sighs, she herself had chosen to live here, so she couldn't complain.

She and Jade had moved back to the capital of Tir Asleen last year, after having spent a whole year living in a hut in the forests of Galladorn, the same hut that centuries before they used to live in.

They needed some time to themselves, both were mourning their parents, and Kit was not civilized enough to live in the middle of society yet, her first year as a vampire was incredibly hard for them, sometimes Kit would wake up in the morning lying in the middle of the forest, surrounded by a pool of blood, with some dead victim beside her, most of the time it was just animals, but the times she woke up next to a disfigured human face were the hardest.

It took a lot of time and training for her to learn to control herself, but she managed, and soon after, she and Jade decided that they were ready to be put back into society, around other people.

So they went back to the capital, and Jade took over the leadership of Agnar's coven, which had remained leaderless, waiting for her to return, and everyone was surprisingly grateful to them for what they had done.

They wanted them both to live with them in Agnar's mansion, but even Kit thought it was too soon for that, there were too many memories there for them to even stay for a few hours, imagine living there.

So they chose to live in a house in a quiet neighborhood east of the city, with Airk as their neighbor.

Thanks to this, Kit's brother practically lived with them, Airk was always around, and none of them were bothered by it, mainly because of his condition in the first months they moved here, because of everything he lived through during the war, Kit's twin brother developed post-traumatic stress disorder, He had nightmares and sounds of people crying or screaming triggered tics and shakes in him, and every time he saw Kit in pain, he would start crying and sometimes even faint.

Kit couldn't help but feel guilty about this, she knows it's not her fault, but she feels that Airk's trauma is because she wasn't more careful with him.

So she let him do whatever he wanted, and thank the gods Airk wasn't suffocating, he was the kind of person you wanted around, and he was very respectful of her and Jade's intimacy and privacy.

Kit sighs as she comes out of her thoughts, she had to finish this cleaning by mid-afternoon.

She opens the door to the basement, skipping the steps as she descends in the dark, she slams her hand on the switch and is blessed with the sight of the basement mess, dust and the smell of old things.

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