20. Rival

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Agnar takes off his glasses as Scorpia closes the car door, the driver of the vampire's limo drives in silence.

Jade watches the man sitting in front of her, he slides his hand into his pocket and pulls out a pack of marijuana cigarettes, he takes his time as he lights one of them and smokes it slowly.

He exhales the smoke and says:

- I thought we had come to an agreement the last time we saw each other Jade - He opens the window slightly so that the smoke comes out through it - Was I not clear enough?

- You were- Jade says flatly.

He raises an eyebrow.

- That's not what it looks like to me- he says -That whore cooling off in the river waters tells me otherwise.

- No - Jade says, remaining calm, all she didn't need at the moment was to snap at him - It tells you exactly what you need to know: that whoever took your life was sloppy and uncontrolled.

- Which is the exact opposite of everything Jade is- Scorpia adds.

Agnar's golden eyes slowly shift to Scorpia, everything about his expression is a mystery, at this point, Jade has no idea what is going on in the mind of her creator.

- I was going to say that it looks a lot like the death of a certain peasant girl - Agnar says - Centuries ago, who died at the hands of an uncontrollable Jade - He rests his elbows on his knees and opens a smile, tilting his head - Tell me dear, do you remember her name?

Jade bends down and inches away from Agnar.

- I didn't kill that woman-  she says, looking seriously at him, Agnar analyzes Jade's face for a minute before turning away and taking something from a bag on the side of the car.

He throws a plastic bag in her direction, and she holds it up in the air.

- Your brothers- he says, referring to the other vampires in the coven who were created by Agnar,-They found this near the body this morning, just a few minutes before your sister Scorpia walked by.

Jade looks at the plastic bag and feels her soul leap into her.

Inside the bag, there are two silver wedding rings, ancient, soiled with blood.

Kit and Jade's wedding rings, which Jade believed had been lost forever in the fire in her office.

A fire that Agnar started.

Suddenly something snaps in the back of Jade's mind, a cold and dangerous thought.

But before coming to any conclusions, she decides to test her theory.

- Where did you find this?

Agnar laughs and goes back to smoking.

- I just said Jade, don't make me repeat myself.

- These rings were inside a safe in the back of my office- she says, -And thanks to you, absolutely everything there has turned to ash or molten metal, including the safe, so I will ask you again, how did you get it?

Agnar looks at her like a cat on a spit.

- What are you implying?

Jade puts the rings in her pocket.

- That one of your offspring is trying to trick you into believing that I, your first creation, would disobey one of your most important rules- she says.

Agnar opens a sinister smile, his fangs protruding outward, there they carry one of the most lethal and dangerous poisons in the world, and seeing them in a smile was never a good thing.

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