15. Out of the Woods

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Jade felt intensely special.

As she awoke to the bright sunlight streaming through the curtains, she felt a weight on her chest, and when she finally opened her eyes, her heart almost melted when her eyes met Kit's face, she was lying on top of Jade, with her arms around her waist and one of her legs entwined with hers, her face resting quietly on Jade's chest, her short dark hair tangled around her.

Jade had spent so much time denying her desire, she never thought Kit needed her as much as she needed Kit.

There is no going back, Jade would not push her away anymore, she couldn't.

Kit moves, grunting and burying her face in Jade's neck, she strokes the woman's hair and Kit emits a lazy sound, almost like a cat's purr.

Kit is suddenly still, then she lifts her head slowly and looks directly at the clock on the wall.

She gasps and gets up all at once, startling Jade, and Kit tangles herself in the blankets and stumbles, falling out of bed.

- By the seven gods! - Kit exclaims, getting up and hurrying to the chair where she left her bag and jacket - I'm more than late!

Jade watches her with a smile on her face, holding back her laughter as Kit hurries to put on her shoes, she quickly fixes her hair, combing it with her fingers.

- I have to go, bye- she says, moving closer and kissing Jade quickly and speaking loudly as she disappears down the hallway, -I'll see you later!

Jade sighs as she hears the apartment door close, she goes back to bed, inhaling deeply into the pillow Kit was lying on.

By all the gods, they were acting like a married couple, and they had just started their relationship.

If this is a relationship though, to Jade, it is, but she doesn't know the thoughts that Kit's mind holds.

She allows herself to feel that feeling for a long moment, relaxing on the bed and closing her eyes.

But like all things, that didn't last long.

Jade's cell phone rings loudly, a particular ring tone, which she had set for Scorpia.

- Yes? - Jade answers, rolling over in bed.

- Boorman asked me to call- Scorpia says, -Apparently, Graydon has something to tell you.

Jade sighs, she had almost forgotten about Elora, Graydon, Airk, and Boorman.

It's not that she's avoiding them, she's just scared, she doesn't know what to do, she knows they want to have contact with Kit, Airk most of all, but she knew that telling Kit the truth would not end well, she has tried that before.

- Tell him I'll meet him at your place in half an hour- Jade says before hanging up and getting up.


Kit turns over the pencil in her hands, the first class was about to start, but it's a lazy morning and Kit's mind was far away, stuck on the red haired woman.

- Hey bar girl - Someone says as they throw themselves on the chair next to Kit, dropping a black bag on the table.

Kit turns around and is surprised to see none other than Ross.

- Ross- Kit smiles, -You study magic here? How did I not know that?

Ross smiles, she has a gum in her pierced mouth, her long dark hair is tied up in a lazy ponytail, she dresses all in black.

- Well, I didn't want to make it seem like I was stalking you- she says, -and by the way, I've been studying here for two years, so you don't seem like the type of person to notice much.

- I'll try not to be offended- Kit laughs.

Ross rolls her eyes, hanging back in her chair, she pulls her notebooks out of her bag, and she looks sideways at Kit.

- So, how did it go with your girl? - She asks, -The one who broke your heart so deeply?

Kit bites the inside of her cheek.

- I did what you suggested- she says and smiles, -Apparently, your advice is quite effective.

Ross cracks a big smile.

- Oh, that's great news- she says, -So you two are finally together?

Kit blushes, feeling the heat rising in her ears, she nods shyly

- I'm very happy for you, Kit- Ross says.- Truly

- Good morning students! - The poisons teacher enters, with her usual scowl, displaying deep resentment.

- Ugh- Ross grunts, sinking her face into her bag- I hate her.

- I think at this point half the institution hates her- Kit whispers, as she bends down and leans over the table next to Ross to be on the same level as her.- Do you think she created this constant expression of pain over the years or was it aesthetically put there?

Ross snorts as she tries to contain her laughter, only for it to fizzle like a kettle, she hides her face, trying to be quiet.

- I am serious - Kit laughs - How is it possible for a person to look so physically grumpy?

- You're going to be the cause of my detention Kit- Ross laughs softly.

- Miss Sullivan and Miss Kit, may I ask what is so funny? - The teacher exclaims, drawing the girls' attention.

- Oh no teacher - Ross answers - You wouldn't understand the joke

- Silence! - she exclaims in a shrill tone.

Kit snorts, covering her mouth to keep from laughing, she hides her face, feeling her stomach ache with the need to laugh.

When she looks at Ross, the girl has her face sunk into her own jacket, but her body shakes with the silent laughter she emits.

And just like that, Kit and Ross are instant  best friends

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