41. Teeth

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We're walking towards the end ( we have nine chapters left, give or take, the rest is already planned but maybe the chapters will be longer ) I wanted to say I'm not ready for the end and I'm so excited that people are loving this story, it has my whole heart and is one of the most poroudest things I've ever done, thank you for loving each word so much.

TRIGGER WARNING: blood, violence and death

Kit feels her spine freeze as she sees Agnar walk into the hallway, carrying a girl with him, blood dripping from his hair, she feels fury fill her veins, and as Elora and Airk walk away, she steps forward, not thinking or reflecting, just acting.

She grabs him by the hair, making him let go of the girl, she grunts as she lifts him up and lands a punch in his mouth, making the skin of her knuckles ripp off and bleed, she covers his neck with her hand and grunts:

-Fyurock Flarem.

Fire covers her hands and burns Agnar, making him scream in pain, this all happens in a matter of seconds, too fast for anyone to intervene.

- Kit!- Jade exclaims -Kit let him go!

Agnar stands up and pushes Kit, letting go of her, and instead of backing away, he acts on impulse and advances against her, stretching out his claws and attacking her, he strikes and makes a huge tear in Kit's arm, which spurts blood at the same instant, she grunts and grabs the first thing to strike him, the fireplace poker is effective in causing a strong blow against Agnar's face.

- Kleideb, Claimain, Lunanockt, Wanu ! - Kit screams and Agnar is lifted in the air and thrown against the wall into the kitchen.

He starts to stand up, and that's when Jade intervenes, Elora immediately appears and holds Kit, who is ready to attack again, Boorman appears with his spear and Scorpia rushes forward close to Jade, growling.

Jade grabs him by the throat and shows her fangs, taking a dagger from her boot.

Agnar raises his golden eyes to his daughter, blood dripping from his mouth, her claws on his neck, the cold hatred in her eyes making him afraid.

- Would you really kill me?- he asks, his voice low and raspy.- After everything? You'd kill me?

She looks him deep into her eyes, and every word she says is dripping truth:

- For the woman I love? - She moves closer to him - I would burn the world to its very last atom.

He spits blood on the floor and looks at her seriously.

- I didn't come here for this- he says and takes a deep breath, -I need your help, Jade.

- You should have thought of that before you attacked my girlfriend- she says.

- She attacked me first- he glares at Kit.

- Because you kidnapped and tortured her - Jade grunts slamming his head against the wall.

He grunts and squeezes his eyes shut.

- Very well, and I apologize for that, but the problems I bring are very serious Jade, will you let me go?

- No- she puts the dagger against his neck, - tell me what you want.

Agnar looks at her, irritated.

- Remember the old coven I was part of? - He asks, Jade nods -They found me, by chance, broke into our coven and killed half the vampires there, the rest of us managed to escape and spread out across the city.

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