1. The Call

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September 5th, 1996


"Veronica! Would you pick up that goddamn phone?!" Her mother screamed from downstairs.

"Yes, Ma..."

She reached over to her nightstand and picked up her baby blue telephone.


"What's your favorite scary movie?" A raspy voice asked over the phone.

"Nightmare on Elm Street." She said, promptly.

"That's one of the best ones..."

"I know right! What about you, what's your favorite?"

"That's tough... So many to pick from... I like The Exorcist."

"Oh my gosh, that one is so good." The girl rolled onto her back, "What's your name, by the way?"

"What's yours?"

"Veronica, now you."

"Veronica is a beautiful name, just like you..."

"Aw.. that's sweet, but you don't even know what I look like."

"Maybe I do..."

"I guess..." The girl raised an eyebrow, "What'd you say your name was again...?"

"Hey, maybe we could go see a scary movie together sometime."

"That'd be fun. Your voice is interesting, kinda sexy~ " Veronica giggled.

"You think so? Your voice is adorable..." The caller said, breathily.

"Would it be like... Like a date? Or no?"

"A date would be nice..."

"Mhm! How old are you? I'm 18." Veronica said, smiling to herself.

"Me too..." The voice purred.

"Veronica! WHO THE FUCK IS CALLING?!" Veronica's mother screamed from downstairs.

"Shit... I'll be right back." Veronica said, and ran downstairs.

"Who called you?" Her mother asked with a groan.

"J- Just a friend..." Veronica lied.

"Don't lie to me... I know you... You better not be sleeping around, little whore..."

"Ma! I swear! I wasn't!" Veronica pleaded, knowing damn well how much of a hypocrite her mother was.

Her mother stood up from the couch, "Did you just raise your voice at me...?" Her mother's words were slurred and the strong scent of alcohol escaped from her lips.

"No! Ma... I swear I wouldn't ever..."

Her mother's expression became harsh and angry. "Veronica! How many times do I have to tell you to stop fucking lying?!" Her mother screamed.

Veronica looked at her mother, flinching as her mother came closer. "Ma..."

"Enough! Go to your room now! A mother should not want to hit her daughter as much as I want to right now, you little bitch!"

Veronica nodded and bit her lip, trying so hard not to cry. She went back up the stairs and shut her door. She slid onto the floor and cried.

"Hello...?" Veronica sniffled, "I'm back..."

"Veronica, love, you have no idea how much it pains me to see you hurting... Your stupid whore of a mother shouldn't speak to you in such ways."

"Y- you heard that...?" Veronica whispered, her voice wavering.

"It was louder than you'd think..." The caller replied.

"Listen I can't talk to you, I don't... I just can't talk to you anymore... I'm sorry..." Veronica sighed and was about to hang up.

"Don't hang up!" The voice roared from the other line, causing Veronica to wince.

"Wh- What do you want...?"

"Don't you understand, Veronica...? I want you..."

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