19. We're Back

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June 12th, 1998

Billy and Stu watched from afar, observing Veronica's every move.

Over the last year and a half, Billy had only grown more and more obsessed with Veronica. Ever since that night, he craved her more than ever, he wanted her in his arms and his arms only.

"That brunette son of a bitch is gonna fucking regret taking her from me..." Billy snarled.

Stu rolled his eyes, "Chill man. Look at him, they won't last much longer."

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Billy glared at his friend.

"I've known her longer than you and I'm pretty sure he's not her type..." Stu shrugged, lying to both Billy and himself. Mickey was most definitely her type...

"Do I look like I fucking care? I'm gonna kill that fucking bastard." Billy grumbled.

Stu sighed and shook his head, "I could be wrong... Look at the way she's looking at him..."

Billy's eyes panned back over to Veronica. The look on her face was one he hadn't seen before. It was a look of true love and admiration. He felt his heart sink. Veronica and him were meant to be, he looked away and clenched his fist.

Billy turned to look at Stu, "I need him gone..."

Stu felt chills run down his spine. Billy's eyes were so full of rage and darkness, but also desire. A desire for Veronica.


Veronica finished tying her shoes and walked out of her dorm room. She greeted a few girls as she walked out.

She exited the dorm building and found Mickey and Randy waiting outside for her.

She latched into Mickey's arm and leaned into him. Randy rolled his eyes and gagged.

Veronica shot him a glare. Mickey placed a kiss on the top of her head.

They walked down towards the sorority house and arrived after a few minutes. The three remained completely unaware that they were closely being followed by two figures.

The home was filled with various college students. Frat boys, sorority girls, and very few teenagers who weren't in sororities or fraternities.

Mickey wrapped his arm around Veronica and gave her a small squeeze. He led her over to a few drinks and picked one up for her.

She took it, "Thanks, Mick."

He smiled sweetly and took a sip of his drink. "So, what do you say we ditch this party after a while and go have a little fun?"

Veronica smirked, "I say that sounds nice~" She placed her hand on his chest.

Mickey leaned closer to her and kissed her. Veronica set her drink down and wrapped her arms around his neck, leaning in so their foreheads touched.

There was a loud noise from the front door, it caused Veronica to jump and pull away from Mickey.

Someone opened the door and found a small box on the ground, it had a tag on it.

The teen read it and called out, "Veronica? Is there a Veronica here?"

"Veronica who?" Mickey questioned.

"Veronica Rodriguez." The teen replied, approaching the couple.

"That's me." Veronica said, and she was handed the box.

She inspected it, it was a black box wrapped in red ribbon. About the size of a lunch-pail.

The tag attached to it had writing on it, she read it aloud.

"Dear, Veronica Rodriguez. I'm here for you my love..." She laughed. "Wow, it's giving The Phantom of the Opera. You don't call me 'my love' do you?"

Mickey chuckled and shook his head no.

"Should I open it?" She asked.

"Maybe wait, we should head outside." Mickey grabbed her by the hand and pulled her outside beside him.

He sat on the curb and she sat beside him. Veronica gazed down at the box, Mickey stared at her. His eyes were full of love and admiration.

He leaned over and planted a kiss on her cheek. She grinned and kissed him back.

A pair of dark brown eyes filled with pure anger and hatred. That should be him sitting beside her, not Mickey.

A group of spooked kids approached the house exclaiming the same phrase, "BODY! THEY FOUND ANOTHER BODY, HURRY!"

Soon the entire house was empty, everyone left to go see the crime scene.

"Man, Ronnie, we gotta see this!" Mickey grinned and turned on his video camera.

"I... I'm gonna stay... You go, tell me if it's really bad..." Veronica said, feeling uneasy.

Mickey kissed her on the cheek and bolted off.

She stood there, alone. Everything was dead silent. She sighed and crossed her arms.

A twig snapped from behind her, she jumped and quickly spun around.

She saw a figure staring at her, but it quickly disappeared.

Veronica felt sick to her stomach, the deja vu was hitting her hard. She ran back to her campus and up to her dorm room.

Something was wrong; something was happening. Veronica laid down on her bed, that odd present she had received was in her arms.

Veronica glanced down at it and decided to open it. She pulled off the ribbon and lifted the lid.

Her eyes widened and her stomach dropped.

Inside the box was a ribbon, a red ribbon... The same ribbon she used to tie her hair up... On that night...

She pulled her layered sleeve up, she still wore her bracelet and Billy's. She had almost forgotten what it once meant to her.

He's here... He found me...

She picked up the ribbon and put it on.

No! What are you doing?! You can't...

She shook her head, her eyes filling with tears, but she didn't take it off. She left it on and refused to leave her room for days.

Informing the school she was feeling ill.

She knew they were back.

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