30. The End of it All

633 13 24

TW: Abuse, Slight Mention of SH, Lots of Violence

She blinked a few times, things were blurry. Sounds were muffled, but she heard the distinct sounds of quiet crying from her left.

She propped herself up on her elbow but found herself falling back down, she looked to her left and saw Billy. His eyes were red, dried blood covered his white shirt and was caked on his hands and face.

His eyes widened in surprise and he quickly wiped the tears from his eyes, "Veronica...?" He mumbled, almost inaudible.

Veronica looked around and found that she was in the back of Billy's van. She said nothing and looked down at her arms, they were wrapped up with medical tape. The memories of the fire returned to her mind.

She sat up and moved away from Billy, it broke his heart. "I'm sorry..." He said quietly, "It was never your fault..."

"How long was I out...?" She questioned, refusing to make eye contact with the brunette haired boy.

"Three days..." He muttered, "Veronica, I never meant to hit you... I swear... I just don't want to lose you..."

It was then Veronica began to realize the severity of the situation she was in, because of their fight she went over the edge... because of Billy.

She raised a hand up to her tender nose.

"You broke your nose..." He said, attempting to comfort her to no avail. If there was one thing Billy was horrible at, it was comforting people...

Veronica looked down at her sock covered feet and sniffled, her nose ached as she did so.

Billy attempted to move closer to her, she pushed herself further away. Billy's brows furrowed, god he had messed up... badly...

"I swear I wouldn't ever hurt you..." He reached out for her, his voice wavering.

"But you did..." Veronica whispered, moving away from his touch. Billy's heart ached, he felt sick to his stomach.

"I never wanted to hurt you..." Billy said, their eyes met. Veronica kept on a harsh glare, "You need help..." She said, pulling her knees up to her chest.

"I know..." Billy whispered, his gaze softening.

"And you said you loved me..." Veronica said, her voice harsh and full of anger.

"I do... I swear on my life, I do..." Billy said, this time his voice was louder, more confident in what he was saying.

"Bullshit!" Veronica exclaimed, "If you actually loved me, what happened wouldn't have happened..."

Billy opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. Instead, he just looked at her, his eyes were glazed over with tears. "Please, Ronette... Give me one more chance..."

"Don't call me that..." She whispered, "Don't ever fucking call me that..."

"You liked it..." Billy said, his voice cracked as tears continued to flood his brown eyes.

"I know that story," Veronica said, glancing at him. "I remember where I heard it now... Phil and Veronica spector... You're sick..." She whispered.

"I know." Billy said, matching her tone, "I know..."

Veronica's eyes watered, "You hit me..."

Billy nodded, allowing tears to fall from his eyes, "And I shouldn't have... I was just scared..."

"Scared of what? What exactly are you so scared of? I sure know what I'm fucking scared of... I'm scared of you!"

Billy's heart hurt, those words broke him. His worst fear had come true, he scared her... That was the one thing he was hoping wouldn't happen and it did...

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