36. Green With Envy

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Veronica awoke the next morning, staring up at a cracked ceiling as she remembered where she was. Reality came and smacked her in the face as she realized she was still stuck in a crappy house with two psychopaths.

Stu's head popped into view with a sly smile, "Hey babe!" He exclaimed and helped her sit up.

Veronica looked at him with a soft smile that didn't feel fully genuine, Billy exited his room and slowly walked down the hallway. He tossed Stu a pocket knife that he used to untie Veronica, Billy watched cautiously, making sure that she didn't try to leave him once more.

To Billy's surprise Veronica sat still and didn't break eye-contact with Stu once.

He helped her to her feet and walked her over to a table in the middle of the small kitchen. She sat down and Stu handed her a box of cereal and milk.

She poured herself some Lucky Charms and then added milk to the mixture. Billy soon appeared and sat down on the couch, flipping through TV channels.

Stu sat down across from Veronica, just as he did, she spoke up, "Stu... Will you please come sit next to me...?" She asked, innocently.

Stu's head jerked up to face her and he quickly came around to sit next to her. Billy, on the other hand, could be seen glancing back at Veronica.

Her eyes met his, he quickly looked away and turned his attention back to the TV.

Veronica leaned forward and whispered various corny pick-up lines into Stu's ear, gaining laughter from the both of them. One of them was, "Are you a knife? 'Cause I want you deep in my stomach..." Ironic, isn't it?

Billy's knuckles turned white as his grip on the TV remote tightened, he shot up from his seat and entered the kitchen, grabbing a jug of juice from the refrigerator and drinking it straight from the container while making eyes at Veronica.

Veronica leaned over and placed her hand on Stu's upper thigh, whispering yet another stupid pick-up line.

Billy choked on the juice and coughed loudly, Veronica giggled softly and Stu burst out cackling.

He tossed it back in the fridge and stormed off to his room.

"He's been so angry lately, I think he's on his period or something." Stu remarked with a wide grin.

Veronica laughed, "Fuck man, he's probably always on his period." The two burst out in laughter once more, Veronica slammed her fist on the table.
"God," She chuckled, wiping a stray tear from her eye, "I missed this..." She glanced at Stu with a grin, "Me too." He replied.

"Speaking of which, why did you end up leaving that cabin...?" Veronica asked, reminiscing of those days in the cabin.

Stu cleared his throat, "Well..."


Veronica looked at the video camera in awe, "Dude... You took videos and pictures of me changing and getting out of the shower?! What the shit, man, that's fucked!" She laughed loudly, forgetting that the boy beside her was a killer.

Sometimes it was hard to imagine Stu killing people, but shit, he was always unhinged, even in middle school.

"Listen, Ronnie... I was a very interesting teenage boy. A horny one, at that... But, hey, I am a changed man!" He exclaimed, grinning proudly. This provoked Veronica to laugh loudly once more.

Billy's head poked into the door frame, "What's going on in here...?" He muttered.

"Oh, I was showing Ronnie my collection of videography and the likewise." Stu grinned, flipping the cam-corder towards Billy.

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