6. Expectations

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September 9th, 1996

Veronica arrived at school the next morning, still thinking of the call from last night. She was so caught up in her thoughts that she ran into someone.

She stumbled back, but caught herself. "Shit, I'm sorry man." She muttered.

"Don't worry about it." A voice said from in front of her.

She looked up, it was a familiar face.

"Oh, hey Billy." She said, scanning over his facial features.

"Hey, Veronica." He gave her a kind smile.

"Um... What class are you going to?" Veronica asked, looking at her new schedule she was given.

"Biology, you?" He moved closer to her.

"Oh, me too." She smiled at him.

His heart stopped at the sight of her smile.

"We should walk together, me and you don't talk much." He said, and motioned for her to follow him.

She nodded and walked beside him.

"So um... What's up?" She asked, shyly.

"Not much... But I've been meaning to ask... Are you okay?"

Veronica let out a nervous laugh, "O- Of course I am! Why wouldn't I be...?"

He looked at her sincerely, "Veronica... You've been hurt lately. I've seen the bruises, red marks, the cuts on your face..."

"Billy, you don't have to worry... I'm fine, it's just from falling off my board." Veronica explained, beginning to feel the heat of the conversation get to her.

He saw through her lies, but he couldn't act now... not yet.

"Right, sorry." He chuckled.

Veronica sighed in relief. The two walked in silence, Billy shot glares towards anyone who dared to lay eyes on her, making sure to do so only when Veronica was distracted.

They soon arrived at class, "Do you wanna sit together?" Veronica asked.

Billy looked at her, his face heating up. "I- I'd love to, yeah."


During class Veronica did most of the work, the two didn't exchange glances or speak. Billy only sat and stared, observing her every move, admiring every feature. This went unnoticed by Veronica, she was focused on identifying different stages of mitosis.

He could barely keep himself from wrapping his arms around her and whisking her away.

When class was over Veronica packed up and began to walk away, Billy quickly got up and followed her.

"So... uh..." He started, "You seeing anyone?"

"Not really, no." Veronica replied.

"Anyone got your eye...?" He mumbled.

Veronica thought for a moment and a few faces went through her mind, Billy being one of them. "Nah, no one meets my expectations." She laughed breathily.

Billy's heart sank, he let out a fake laugh. "S- Same... What are your expectations...?" He muttered out, hesitantly.

Veronica smiled, "About my height or taller, kind, loving, good looking. Brown eyes, brown hair..." She stopped herself, realizing this sounds an awful lot like Billy.

He looked at her, filled with hope.

"O- Or they can have blue eyes, I guess... But I'd want them to love scary movies too, maybe even be able to skateboard. Playing any sort of instrument is a plus, electric guitar, keyboard or drums are my personal favorite. Honestly, I guess I just want someone who shares my interests and cares for me..." Veronica stopped herself yet again, realizing she was saying too much to a boy she barely knew.

But Billy took in every word she said.

"How about you? Got your eye on anyone?" She asked.

He snapped out of his gaze, "Oh, uh. There's this one girl... She's amazing, her hair, her eyes, her fair skin... She's everything I could ever want... We like all the same things, but I just... I don't know how to tell her..." Billy said, glancing towards Veronica.

"She sounds cool, invite her to do some things that she enjoys and befriend her. Then ask her out." Veronica explained, giving the brunette a soft smile.

He returned the smile, "Yeah, I'll do that."

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