22. Savior

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June 16th

"Get your filthy, fucking hands off of her..." The voice was one she recognized at once...

Mickey clutched his thigh, the gunshot had hit him. He still held onto Veronica and had her behind him.

A figure emerged from the darkness.

It was Billy, he was here. He had come back for her, just like he said.

"Billy..." Veronica whispered. Her eyes grew even more watery.

He was taller, his hair was longer and he looked way stronger. His eyes met hers, his harsh look of anger turned to one of love when he noticed her gaze.

"Oh yeah, what the fuck you gonna do about it, Loomis? Huh?" Mickey taunted.

Mickey aggressively grabbed Veronica and pulled her in front of him again, holding the knife to her throat while kissing her neck.

The rage on Billy's face grew evident, "Ronette... Come here, doll..." He called out for her.

Mickey tightened his grip on her once again, "Don't fucking listen to him, Ronnie! He's the psycho!"

Veronica let out another cry and winced as Mickey's hand brushed against her cut.

"What the fuck did you do to her?!" Billy snarled, "You hurt her?!"

Mickey's grip loosened and Veronica took that chance to bolt away. But either way one of them would get to her.

"Ronnie, baby... Come on, you know me..." Mickey called out to her, extending his hand for her to take.

"Ronnette, don't you fucking listen to him!" Billy scolded, "Come here, Veronica... please..."

Veronica looked between the two.

"Mickey..." She said quietly, "You're the reason Randy is in the hospital, aren't you..."

Mickey sighed heavily, "I did it all for you..."

"You shut the fuck up!" Billy shouted, causing an echo in the auditorium.

"Come on, Ronnie." Mickey moved a step closer.

"Veronica!" Billy looked at her.

Both boys stared each other down, weapons raised at one another. Veronica looked between the two, old feelings from a year ago returning to her.

"He's the crazy one... I love you, Veronica..." Mickey said, his voice cracking.

"Fuck you! I'll fucking kill you!" Billy took a step closer to Veronica.

She backed up and felt arms wrap around her. Billy had her in his arms now. His breaths came in and out shakily with her back against his chest.

A kiss was pressed against her cheek, "I've got you..." Billy whispered.

Mickey's face grew dark, "Veronica...?"

She couldn't think, she couldn't move. She was frozen. She didn't know what to do.

Mickey lunged for Veronica, attempting to get her back in his arms. She let out a scream and flinched backwards.


He was down.

Veronica gasped, "Oh god..." Tears streamed down her face, "Mickey...? Mickey?!"

"We need to go now, Veronica..." Billy said. Veronica turned around to face Billy.

His expression shifted from a stern one to a soft and worried one. He hadn't recalled Veronica looking so upset, ever...

Her face was pale, but her eyes were red and tear filled. She looked so scared, so distressed, yet so confused...

He placed a hand on her cheek, she flinched as he did so. He let out a small sigh. "Veronica, we need to go... Please..."

Veronica was shaking, her heart was racing. She took a step forward and stumbled back into his arms, her legs going limp.

She wept quietly into his chest. His brows furrowed, "You're safe now... I'm here..." He lifted her up and carried her through a back exit near the stage.

The air outside was cold, she shivered slightly and shut her eyes tightly.

She heard a car door open and slam shut, "Put her in the back, she's been cut."

Veronica opened her eyes again and saw herself being put into someone else's arms. She looked to see Stu gazing upon her, his expression looked guilty.

"Stu..." She said quietly.

"Hey, Ronnie..." He gave her a weak smile and set her in the back of a van on a mattress.

Stu climbed beside her and held her hand. "You're gonna be okay..." He said, "We'll take care of you... I promise..."

Billy hesitated shutting the doors to the back of the van, but he did anyway and got in the front to drive.

Veronica felt herself growing drowsy, she looked over at Stu. He was way taller, he was lanky. His hair had grown out too, not as long as Billy's. It was a shaggy style, slightly curly and it almost covered his eyes. His ears were pierced.

"I like your earrings..." Veronica said quietly.

He smiled softly, "I like your nose ring."

Veronica swallowed thickly, trying not to get choked up. She just watched her boyfriend get murdered by her almost-boyfriend from a year ago.

She kept her hand on her side, trying to stop the bleeding. But that soon became useless as she fell asleep in the back of the van, Stu at her side.

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