35. Stu Macher

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TW: Vomit, Mention of Past ED

For the first week that Veronica was locked in the basement, Stu would bring her food from upstairs. She didn't eat it and she didn't say a word to him, all she would do is drink the water provided from a straw. Besides, how the fuck was she supposed to eat with her hands taped behind her back.

Late at night she would hear the two boys laughing and joking as they went out to do their kills. Veronica missed home, she missed her friends and she missed Beck. Someone had to have noticed that she was gone, someone needed to notice.

By the second week Veronica had lost over 20 pounds, she felt horribly sick. But, it wasn't the first time she hadn't eaten in weeks. Stu began growing increasingly worried, Billy hadn't come down to visit her once and didn't believe Stu's complaints to him.

On Monday, the start of her third week Stu came downstairs with McDonalds and Veronica broke her silence.

"You think that's gonna make me eat...?" She muttered with a groan. Stu sighed and set it down in front of her.

"Fucking idiot, that was the shit I would binge on then purge back in my Freshman year." Veronica cackled then coughed, her chest was hurting worse than it had been.

Stu's eyebrows furrowed, "Please eat, Ronnie... I'm the one feeding you here, man. Billy hasn't done shit, I care about you Ronnie... I would've never hurt you like he did. Believe me... I've loved you since the day I met you, please Veronica..."

Stu never called her Veronica, ever. It was then she realized he did care, he always had, but she never noticed the signs.

"When did you meet me...?" She asked, looking up at him. The pain spiked up once more in her chest, making her flinch. Her stomach was growling. Stu looked down at his hands.

"The first day of fourth grade... You were sitting down in the grass and picking flowers... I went up to you and you were too shy to say anything, so you made me a daisy chain necklace... I wore it all day long and cried when it broke..." Stu replied with a somber smile, there were tears in his eyes. He only looked back up when he heard a sniffle from Veronica to see her crying.

"Please don't leave me..." She whispered, "Everything hurts..."

Stu's lip quivered and he pulled her in for a hug, she felt so much lighter than when they had first taken her. Her body felt cold and she was shaking subconsciously.

"Ronnie...?" Stu whispered. No reply. "Veronica?" No reply.

He pulled away and realized that any remaining color had disappeared from Veronica's face.

She was still conscious and blinking, she gagged slightly then vomited all over the basement floor.

Though there wasn't any food in her, there was still stomach acid. She threw up two more times, the third time blood had come up and she fell to her side.

"Oh shit! Oh fuck! Billy, get the fuck down here! Help!" Stu shouted, he remembered Veronica's Freshman year far too well, this happened once in the middle of class.

Billy's footsteps quickly ran down the stairs, "What?! What is it?!" He asked with a panicked voice. His eyes panned over to Veronica's limp and pale body. "What the fuck?! Shit, man! Don't fucking let her die on me!" Billy exclaimed and cut the duck tape from her hands and ankles, then helped Stu carry her upstairs and into a bathtub, they turned the shower part of the tub on and Billy held her in his lap underneath the water. Her back was down against the bottom of the tub, he began rubbing her temples in an attempt to wake her back up.

"Fuck... Veronica... Wake up!" Billy shouted in a panic, "Shit... You were fucking right about her not eating..."

Stu sighed and kneeled beside the bathtub, chewing on his lower lip in fear. Billy looked down at Veronica's seemingly lifeless body, "Come on, Veronica! Wake up!"

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