5. Cuts

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Billy's POV:

September 8th, 1996

She hurt her. I can see her face through her window. Those cuts on her face are from her mother. I will fucking gut her mother like a fish. That whore cannot control herself and someone needs to teach her a lesson about hurting my love.

Anyone who dares to lay a hand on Veronica, will not live to see another day.

I sat on the tree branch and stared at her. I wanted so bad to climb through her window and hold her. I wanted to tell her that it was okay, I wanted to clean her wounds and tell her how much I love her. But I can't... not yet.

When I get my hands on her... she will be mine, only mine.

I left her house and went over to Stu's. The walk was cold, absolutely perfect.

"Hey, dickwad. How's the plan coming along?" I hollered into his room.

"It's coming," He grinned at me.

"Perfect. I can barely wait any fucking longer!" I shouted.

"Me neither..." Stu said under his breath.

I turn and look at him, "The fuck did you just say...?"

"Nothin'..." He shrugged.

I walk closer to him and slam him against the wall, my grip tightening against his throat.

"Say it..." I growl.

"Me neither! There! I fucking said it..." Stu stared at me, anger filling his eyes.

My fist comes in contact with his jaw, "She is mine! If you do so much as touch her, I will not hesitate to fucking kill you..."

Stu looked at the wall, "Whatever, man..."

I release him and leave, knowing I am one day closer to having her in my arms.

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