29. He Hit Me... (TW)

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A/N: I promise updates won't be so slow 😭
I was like failing all my classes and had to get caught up, but here's the Part 2 Semi-Finale

TW: Abuse, Self-Harm, Angst!

"Why won't you let me leave?!" Veronica
screamed from down the hall, throwing her shoe at Billy. "This house is so fucking small!"

"Because it's not fucking safe, are you stupid?!" Billy hollered back, the shoe hitting him in the chest. He charged at Veronica, pushing her up against the wall. "You are to stay here with me, not to go out!"

"Fuck you! I've been here for a fucking year and only left once with you and Stu! You can't expect me to live like this forever!" She glared at him, her eyes full of anger.

One hand remained around her neck the other pointed at her face as Billy told her off. They had been arguing a lot, like an old married couple.

"Get your fucking finger out of my face!" Veronica spat, shoving him off her. Darkness flashed through Billy's eyes as he grabbed her by the wrist and threw her into his room.

She landed hard on the wooden floor, she quickly scurried to her feet. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Veronica shrieked, Billy grabbed her by the wrists as she fought against his strong hold. "Let go!"

"No!" He roared, "I'm not gonna fucking let go, you bitch!" The moment the words left his mouth, he regretted it. How could he speak to her like that?

Veronica's eyes flooded with tears, she freed one hand from his hold and shoved him away from her. "Fuck you!" She screamed, "You gonna kill me now?! Just like you killed Tatum?!"

Billy's lip quivered as he shrunk to the ground and Veronica dropped to her knees, sobbing.

Billy's brows were furrowed as he glanced at her, their eyes meeting. He slowly opened his arms to which Veronica crawled towards him.

"I didn't mean that..." He said, his voice wavering. "I didn't want to say that... It just came out... I swear!" His eyes were glazed over with tears.

Veronica held his head against her chest and stroked his head gently, "I know..." She whispered, "I don't wanna fight anymore..."

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry, I just don't wanna lose you..." He leaned into her and gripped onto her shirt.

Veronica sniffled and let her tears fall, "It's okay..." she whispered. Billy let out a shaky sigh, "I love you..." He said, quietly.

"I love you too... Now, let's get our day going, yeah?" Veronica suggested and planted a kiss on Billy's forehead. He blinked his tears away and stood up, grabbing her by the hands and pulling her close to him.

He gave her a tight hug then pulled away, Veronica exited his room and entered her own.

The moment she did she broke down into silent tears, she wanted out. She loved Billy, but she couldn't stay in the goddamn house any longer. She couldn't bear the peeling wallpaper, the stained carpeting, or the everlasting stench of cigarettes and alcohol from the previous owners.

Veronica sobbed quietly as she changed into a pair of blue jeans, a green and black striped sweater, and a pair of black converse.

She wiped her tears away and applied black eyeliner to her waterline. Veronica then exited her room and found Billy waiting outside her door, he leaned forward and picked her up, carrying her out to the living room.

Veronica found that he had laid out a variety of snacks and VHS tapes along with a blanket and a gift wrapped box. Billy set her down on the couch and handed her the box.

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