14. The Final Party

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September 28th, 1996

Tatum and Veronica went down to a fancy clothing store, Tatum was offering to buy Veronica something nice for the party.

The two browsed for a while, Veronica found something that caught her eye. It was a gorgeous dark red lace slip-style dress with spaghetti-straps.

She went into the changing room and tried it on.

"Let me see!" Tatum begged.

"Okay, okay." Veronica laughed, and slowly exited the changing room.

Tatum gasped in delight. Yes, the dress did reveal all of her scars and bruises, but she looked stunning.

Veronica nervously rubbed her arm, feeling self-conscious.

Tatum picked up on this and approached her friend, "Veronica..." She placed her hands on the girl's shoulders.

"You looked absolutely gorgeous, that dress was made for you." Tatum hugged Veronica.

"Thank you, Tatum..." Veronica's eyes began to water. Tatum didn't mention any of Veronica's scars or bruises, she only spoke about how beautiful she looked.

Tatum was the best friend anyone could ever have, Veronica couldn't live without her.


Tatum paid and the two left the store to continue getting ready.

When the two arrived home, Tatum went upstairs to pick out an outfit, Veronica went to talk to Dewey.

"Hey, Dewey?" She called out to him.

"Hey, Veronica. What's up?" He smiled.

"So... um... Me and Tate are heading to a party, and I'm sure you probably don't want us to go. But would you please come with us? I want to have some fun, after everything. And there'll be a ton of people there so if something goes wrong, we'll know. And, if you're there, we'll be extra safe." Veronica glanced at him nervously.

"Yeah, sure. I'll come down. I want you to have a good time, and I'll make sure you two and everyone else is safe." He placed a hand on her shoulder and gave her a soft smile.

She hugged him, "Thanks Dewey..."

He nodded and Veronica ran upstairs.

When Veronica entered Tatum's room she found the blond already dressed and getting her makeup on.

Veronica turned on Tatum's radio and twisted the knob until she found a station she enjoyed.

'Call Me' by Blondie began to play and Veronica began to get ready.

She started by getting her new dress on, she started on her makeup. Carefully tracing her waterline with eyeliner, then blending it with black eyeshadow.

"Cover me with kisses, baby. Cover me with love."
She then grabbed mascara and carefully applied it to her lashes, she moved onto blush and put it along her cheekbones and a bit on her nose.

She grabbed Tatum's dark red lipstick and swiped the color onto both lips, blotting them once she was done.

She decided to put her hair up for a change, she always had it in a down. She brushed out her long, thick, curly locks of raven colored hair. Then pulled it up into a messy ponytail with a red ribbon.

She finished off the outfit with a baggy zip-up hoodie and pair of converse.

When she moved to look into Tatum's full length mirror, she could barely recognize herself. She had never worn a dress like this, she never had her hair looking so long and curly, and she never showed so much skin, she loved it.

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