34. Deja Vu

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The first thing she noticed when she came to was the feeling of cold cement against her body. Then she opened her eyes slightly.

Everything was blurry at first, all she could see was a dark figure in a dimly lit area.

She blinked a few times, then things became clear. Her head was throbbing, she could smell blood.

She lifted her head gently off the ground and looked up. The figure's features were still unclear, but it stood up quickly. "She's awake! Billy, she's up!"

Oh no...

Her stomach started to grumble, a knot grew evident and she felt like she was going to throw up again.

That voice was familiar, too fucking familiar. This couldn't be happening again, not again...

No... No, things were just starting to get good! Things with Beck were starting to take off... God, they could've been so good together, he would have treated her like a queen and she knew it.

Footsteps came barreling down the stairs as two figures, one tall and the other a bit shorter, approached her body.

She realized she was tied down, a piece of cloth in her mouth to make sure she couldn't scream. It grew evident that she was in a basement.

The shorter figure kneeled down first, followed by the taller one. She swallowed thickly and felt the knot in her stomach grow.

The taller one had bright blue eyes and a shaved head, the shorter one had dark brown eyes and a semi mullet with hair grease.

She looked up at them in horror. Billy and Stu were back...

"Hey, there... Dollface~ Long time no see..." Billy said harshly, a devilish grin plastered on his face.

"You changed your hair," Stu said, "It looks so pretty on you..."

Billy elbowed him in the gut with a glare, "So we meet again, Ronette..." He held a blade down towards her face, she flinched. "Still afraid of me, aren't ya?"

Veronica closed her eyes tightly, then opened again, looking at the two of them fearfully. She just knew she was gonna get slaughtered...

Oddly enough, she felt a sense of comfort since Stu was there. She hated to admit it... but she had missed him. His goofy smile and stupid jokes...

"Can I take the thing off her mouth now, man?" Stu asked, looking at Billy.
Billy sighed and nodded, "Yeah... whatever..."

The moment he did Veronica attempted to scream for help only to be struck across the face by Billy and her mouth covered. "You fucking scream one more time and I slit your pretty little throat, you hear me?"

She didn't wanna die... No, that's the last thing she wanted...

She nodded quickly and Billy cautiously removed his hand, she swallowed thickly and looked between the two.

"Where are we...?" She croaked out, her mouth was dry and her throat stung.

"Nowhere you need to know about, babe." Billy replied with a grin. Stu sighed and shook his head slightly.

Veronica let out a shaky breath and bit down on her lip, as much as Billy wanted to deny it, he had missed her so much. He wanted nothing more than to scoop her up in his arms and tell her how much he loved her, to apologize for hurting her.

Stu, on the other hand, wanted to steal her away for himself. He wanted to take her somewhere Billy would never find her, he wanted to hide her away and take care of her.

Veronica wanted to go home, back to Michigan. She wanted to see Beck, she wanted to hug him. She wanted to see her friends from work and tell them how much she appreciated them, but she had a feeling she wouldn't make it home.

"Did you miss me, Ronette?" Billy asked, his voice full of mischief and decievement.

She smiled at him, giving him false hope, "You know I fucking didn't... Don't try and kid yourself you fucking psycho, I found someone else to fuck around with, someone who'd never hurt me..."

Billy's face contorted, his nose twitched and his brows furrowed. He quickly stood up and stomped up the stairs, slamming the door to the basement on his way out.

Stu sighed in relief, "I'm so sorry, Ronnie... We just needed to see you again... I promise I won't let him hurt you..." Stu gently reached out and touched Veronica's cheek, she leaned into his touch. He smiled softly at her and put her handkerchief back on, then ran up the stairs, turning off the basement light.

Veronica sat there, silent tears falling down her cheeks as she curled into a ball in the pitch black basement.

I can't do this... She told herself, I should just find a way to end it before things get worse... She shook her head, No! I'll find a way to escape, I'll find a way out of here, just like before...


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