13. Back to Work

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September 25th, 1996

Veronica grabbed a stack of tapes and started to put them away, helping customers as she did so.

"Hey, what's that vampire movie with that guy that looks like Rob Lowe?" Asked a redheaded girl.

"The Lost Boys, 1987, horror section." Veronica replied, putting away the last of her tapes.

"Veronica, how are you holding up?" A voice asked from behind her.

She turned around to see Randy, "Oh, I'm okay I guess..." She shrugged.

"You sure?" He asked, stepping closer to her.

"Yeah, I mean. I think I'm safe now." She reached a hand up to her waist, slowly rubbing the bandages that covered the large cut.

He nodded, "I'm sorry, about your mom. I knew something was up, I just didn't want to make any false accusations..."

"It's fine, she's gone now. She got taken down to court, she's not allowed to be in the same state as me. I didn't even have to go down to the court either. Hell, half the school saw it, you included. Plus she confessed to everything." Veronica explained.

Randy sighed, looking at Veronica sincerely, "Yeah..." He didn't understand how she could be so chill, about everything.

"Anyways, got any crazy theories about who the killer could be?" Veronica asked.

"I think it was Mr. Horror geek over here." Stu emerged in front of the two of them.

"Knock it off, Stu!" Veronica punched the boy in the arm with a laugh.

"However, it does make the most sense..." Veronica smirked.

"Oh shut up, we're all suspects." Randy seethed, "But if you're asking me I'd say it's him." He pointed over to a greasy haired brunette.

Veronica looked at Randy in disgust, "Please tell me you're joking."

Randy shook his head, "The man has got killer written all over his forehead, plus he's standing in the horror section!" He exclaimed.

Veronica shook her head, "You're fucking mental. Billy is the sweetest guy I know. He wouldn't hurt a fly, asshole." Veronica stormed off into the staff room.

"Well now look at what you've done." Stu clicked his tongue.

Randy felt an arm put him in choke hold, "Yeah. Throwing around accusations like that? Who do you think you are, freak?" Billy sneered, "Besides, you're the prime suspect here."

"Y- Yeah! You're totally right. In this situation I would be the number one suspect, I just don't know if I have the guts to gut someone!" People in the store looked at Randy in horror, Billy let go of him and walked away. Stu shook his head, and followed Billy like a little lapdog.

"Man, those guys..."


Veronica arrived back at Tatum's house, after making a stop at a small corner store, neither she nor Dewey were home. That alone left her uneasy.

She walked upstairs, a small bag in hand, then changed out of her work uniform and into some shorts and a tank top.

As soon as she sat down, she pulled out two bracelets from the bag. She was planning on giving one to Billy, so they could match. But then her baby blue phone rang.

She got up and answered, "Hello?"

"Hey, princess~"

"Oh fuck me... What do you want?!" She shouted.

"I've told you this before! I... want... you!" The voice yelled.

"Why... Why me? Why not anyone else?! I'm nobody! There's nothing special about me! I'm a boring, five foot eight, brown haired, brown eyed, forty pound overweight, teenage dirtbag!" She screamed into the phone, her eyes filling with tears.

"YOU SHUT UP! You are a smart girl! Smart enough to know that you are a goddess. Your long, dark brown hair is fucking beautiful, your eyes aren't any old shade of brown, they are the most unique shade of hazel with just a hint of gold! And god... your curves~" The caller's voice began to sound desperate, "What I'd give to run my hands down them... I would do anything for you, Veronica..."

Veronica said nothing, what could she say. This man was dangerous, he was a killer. But he was obsessed with her, of all people. That was astonishing, Veronica had never felt so loved. But she couldn't... she couldn't fall for his words, yet she could feel herself giving in...


"I love you, Veronica..."

Veronica audibly gasped and hung up the phone. Those were a set of words she couldn't recall ever hearing.

She didn't know how to react, should she be scared? Happy? Gushing over the fact some stranger was in love with her. For all she knows he could be some nasty fifty year old.

She decided to try and shove his words out of her head.

I can't... I can't possibly care for him... He's insane... But he cares for me...

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