26. Back Then Gone Again...

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July 12th, 1998

It had been almost a month and a half since Veronica had left her college and began living with Billy and Stu, given she had gotten there on June 16th.

The tension between them was so thick you could cut it with a knife. Why was there tension? Veronica had no idea.

Veronica and Stu had been close since grade school so it only made sense that they hung-out a lot whilst living together.

But it was far too much for Billy.

Everytime he would try to go talk to Veronica privately she wouldn't ever be in her room, she would be in Stu's room watching TV while sitting either beside him or pretty much in his lap.

This pissed Billy off so much. But that all came to an end very quickly.

Billy couldn't keep it contained any longer, he needed to tell Veronica how he felt... again...

He went into her room, she wasn't there. He walked into Stu's room, when he did, his heart sank.

Stu's hands were cupping Veronica's face as they kissed. Veronica quickly pulled away, "Stu... I-"

"What the fuck are you doing?!" Billy shouted.

Veronica flinched. Stu jumped off his bed, "You know what man, you're too fucking slow! You lost your goddamn chance! But then again... did you ever even have a chance?!"

Veronica looked at the two of them in confusion. "You shut the fuck up!" Billy spat, grabbing Stu by the collar of his sweater.

"Nah, I don't think so! Veronica, Billy's got a big fat hard-on for you!" Stu cackled. Billy's face grew pale, "You motherfucker!" He struck Stu across the face.

"FUCK!" Stu swore and spit out a bloody tooth. He charged at Billy and the two crashed into the wall.

Veronica froze, she didn't know what to do. She just stood and watched.

Punches were thrown on both ends, for a while it was only punches... Till Stu pulled out a knife on Billy and sliced his cheek. Billy yelled out in pain.

"Shit..." Veronica gasped and ran to go try and break up the fight. She attempted to pull Stu off of Billy.

Stu swung his arm back and a sharp burning sensation occurred in her arm. She gasped.

He cut her.

"Oh shit... Veronica!" Stu tried to walk towards her. She stumbled back.

"No! Stu! Stay away from me!" Her voice was breaking.

"No, no, no... Veronica... baby, please! I didn't mean to..." Stu's voice cracked as he continued to walk towards her.

"Don't call me that! I'm not your baby!" She cried out, holding onto her bleeding arm. "Ronnie..." He reached out for her, she flinched.

The sound of a gun clocking came from behind Stu. "Stu... get the fuck away from her... In fact, why don't you get the fuck out..." Billy said, the gun aimed at Stu's head.

"Dude... come on man..." Stu pleaded, "Don't do this..." He turned to look at Veronica, "Ronnie...?"

Veronica said nothing, she held onto her bleeding arm. She sniffled.

Stu looked between the two of them, "Come on..."

"I will fucking shoot you, get the fuck out of here. Now!" Billy barked.

Stu's lip quivered as he looked at Veronica, who avoided his gaze.

"Ronnie... come on, you know me..." Stu pleaded once again.

"No I don't... not anymore... I hate you..." She muttered, glaring his way.

"What... no... No, Ronnie!" His voice wavered, he stumbled back.

"Go away..." Veronica said, darkly.

Stu stumbled out of his room then bolted out of the house, Billy ran towards the window and watched him run til he was out of sight.

Billy checked each lock on the door along with the locks on the windows.

Then he walked back to Veronica.

She took off her sweater and tossed it on the floor, leaving her in only a white tank top and bra. She sighed softly.

"He hurt you." Billy said quietly.

"I know." She said back.

"You're bleeding..." He whispered.

"I know..." She replied, matching his tone.

Veronica walked into the bathroom and picked up a medical kit then walked over to Billy. She grabbed him by the wrist and walked into his room.

They both sat on his bed, across from each other. She opened up the box of supplies and grabbed what she needed.

She opened an alcohol swab and lifted it to Billy's cheek.

He seethed as it made contact with his cut, "I'm sorry..." she said.

Luckily it wasn't too deep, so once she stopped the bleeding she covered it with a bandaid.

"There," she said, "All better." Then she cleaned her own cut and wrapped it up after.

Veronica stood up and left Billy's room then returned with a bag of frozen peas, "You're gonna have some bruises and probably a black eye..." She sighed.

The two sat in silence for a few minutes, "So um... what Stu said... about you having a 'big fat hard-on' for me, Is it true...?" Veronica laughed nervously.

Billy looked at the floor, embarrassed. "I... I don't..." He swallowed thickly and sighed, "Yeah..."

Veronica's stomach dropped, "Really...?"

Billy looked up at her and placed his hand on her cheek, he took a deep breath and leaned in to kiss her.

Veronica deepened the kiss and wrapped her arms around his neck. Billy gently pulled her into his lap, his hands resting on her hips.

Veronica ran her fingers through his thick brown hair then pulled away, stopping for breath.

She locked eyes with him, "I feel the same way..."


Stu came back the next morning, he apologized. Billy wouldn't have it, but Veronica would... sorta.

She hugged him, he didn't hug back for fear of getting the shit kicked out of him by Billy.

However things weren't the same between him and Veronica. They were distant.

She didn't sit by him when they ate, she didn't watch movies with him in his room, she rarely talked to him.

Anytime she was around him, Billy was at her side, his hand around her waist.

But soon Stu was gone again, Billy went through a box under his bed and found a video camera with videos of Veronica changing or getting out of the shower, but Billy didn't dare tell her. He couldn't let her know, because then she would find his own collection... Veronica was a smart girl who liked to investigate.

He kicked Stu out again, this time he told him to never come back or else he'd kill him. Veronica watched as Billy threw Stu's things at him and screamed at him to leave.

She knew it was for the best, because Billy knew what was best...

The moment Stu disappeared down the dirt road, Billy ran back inside and scooped Veronica up, showering her with kisses.

Veronica giggled in his arms, "What's this all about?" She asked.

Billy nuzzled his face into her neck, "I like it better when it's just the two of us..."

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