2. Psycho Killer

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September 8th, 1996

Veronica woke up and got dressed quickly, knowing she slept in.

She quickly ran down the stairs, skateboard in hand, but froze when she saw her mother standing in front of the door.

"Ma... I- I'm sor-"

Her cheek burned as the shape of a hand began to redden her cheek.

"Sleep in again and there will be major consequences..." Her mother growled.

"Yes, Ma..." Veronica bit her lip, holding back tears.

She opened the door and left. When she was away from home she was happier than ever, she felt no stress, no fear.

As she skated down the road, news vans flew past.

"What in the...?" She mumbled to herself.

She began to pick up the pace, following the tracks of the vans.

It was soon after that she began to realize those vans were headed towards her school.

She picked up her board as she approached the school campus and stared at the news vans and reporters who crowded outside the building.

She spotted a familiar face.

"Randy, hey. What uh... What the hell happened?" Veronica questioned.

"Didn't you hear? Casey Becker and her boyfriend got all sliced up last night. Casey was found hung on a tree with her guts hanging out, same with her boyfriend except he was tied to a chair." The boy explained.

"Oh fuck..." Casey Becker was Veronica's lab partner. The two had recently grown to become good friends.

Veronica's eyebrows furrowed and her eyes began to water.

"It's all over the news." Randy sighed.

"I can't believe it..." She sniffled.

"Hey... What's up with your face?" Randy questioned, changing the subject.

Veronica froze, "What uh... What do you mean...?"

"It looks like a hand...?" Randy furrowed his eyebrows.

"Oh... hah... A bug landed on my face and I tried to kill it..." She lied.

"With your left hand? Why not use your right hand?"

"I had coffee in my hand...?" Veronica said, almost asking herself.

"Oh right... okay... Will I see you at work tonight?"

"Yep! I'll be there." She gave a half-assed smile.

He smiled back and walked past a large crowd of teenagers and into the school building.

Veronica exhaled heavily, she tried to report her mother before. But the person she told didn't believe her and never said anything to the authorities. Instead they told her mother. Her mother fractured Veronica's arm that day, she was taken to the hospital and her mother claimed it was from skateboarding.

"Boo!" A voice shouted from behind her, disrupting her train of thought.

Veronica jumped and spun around to see who had scared her.

It was a familiar face, blue eyes, short sandy colored hair. He was tall and lanky, currently wearing a sweater.

"Stu! You fucking asshole!" She swore with a glare.

His wide grin changed to a look of concern, "Did I really scare you that bad?"

Veronica rolled her eyes, "No, you dope. I was completely unpha-"

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