11. Mistake

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Billy's POV:

September 20th, 1996

There she was, Veronica. A look of fear on her face as I broke through the glass window. God she looked so beautiful.

I chased her and that annoying bitch, Tatum, downstairs. I didn't plan on killing blondie tonight, no, I was saving that for Stu's party.

Knowing Tatum, she would convince Veronica to come. This was to just scare them a bit. Get them shaken up, then Veronica would come running to me and I'd have her in my arms once again.

Veronica slipped and fell to the ground, she mouthed for Tatum to call the cops.

"No... please..." She whimpered, pushing herself away from me.

I pinned her hands above her head, I looked into her gorgeous hazel eyes. God I wanted her so bad... But I had to stick to the plan.

I slowly dragged my knife across her soft cheek. She was shaking nervously, I knew I was scaring her, but I couldn't stop myself.

I took the blade down near her stomach and waist. It was all going perfectly.

But stupid fucking me had to mess everything up that night. As I dragged the blade across her side I put too much pressure and it seared into her skin. She wailed in pain.


I dropped the knife immediately and brought my gloved hand to the now bloody area.

She kicked me off of her, hitting me directly in the rib. She was stronger than she looked. That only added to the appeal.

I almost called after her, but I knew she would know it was me. I quickly got myself back up and chased after her. She had already gotten into Tatum's room.

I slammed my fist against the locked door. I couldn't get it to budge. I knew the cops would be on my tail, so I left. I knew I had given them a scare, but part of me wanted to gut that blond right in front of Veronica. So she would know that I was hers and she was mine, only mine.

But I knew I'd get caught, so I bolted.

I arrived back home, taking off the costume and calling Stu almost immediately.

"Did you get it taken care of?" I asked.

"Yeah, man! She's gone." Stu laughed maniacally.

"Great, how'd you do it?" I grinned.

"Oh you know, little intruder scare, a few stabs here and there, then I sliced her from groin to sternum." He continued to laugh.

"Perfect..." I smirked, "Everything is going according to plan..."

"How did it go with the girls?" Stu asked me.

I went quiet.

"Billy...?" He said.

"I made a mistake..." I admitted.

"What...?" He said, his voice was dull and toneless.

"I hurt her..."

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