(Prt. III) 31. Alone Again

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Randy and Veronica's relationship ended soon, Veronica deemed herself too unstable for him and broke it off suddenly before checking herself back into a mental health facility.

She knew it wasn't helping though and escaped in the evening on a Saturday Game Night. They attempted to get her to come back, but she refused and left the state.

Veronica moved to Michigan. She found a small apartment in Michigan City, along with a job working for a club.

Her job paid her terribly given what she had to go through every shift. She barely made enough to survive.

Veronica could get low tips for serving drinks in a skimpy uniform, or even dancing on a pole in revealing attire.

It was enjoyable, it felt demeaning. All of the other girls she worked with agreed, a lot of them were like her.

Ever since she escaped the dangerous clutch of Billy Loomis, she had occasional violent outbursts, her most recent being physical. She hit a drunk male client in the club who repeatedly groped her, he got kicked out and she got away with it, only because a handful of rich female clients saw and complained.

Veronica's routine was repetitive and boring. Wake up, work, go home, sleep, wake up, work, go home, sleep and so on...

In a way she liked it, but she still fell into a phase of depression. She hated it all, she hated everyone.

Soon enough she had been working at that club for three years. The year was now 2003.

Every night since she and Billy got separated she had a series of dreams. Every dream went the same way.

She'd see him, he'd see her. She'd run to him and find herself impaled by a small blade, "You really think I'd take you back, bitch? I hope you burn in hell, just like the rest of them..." Is what he'd say. Every. Single. Time.

She'd wake up in a cold sweat, telling herself how much she hated him... but the feelings never truly left...

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