Epilogue 2

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The heart rate monitor beeped quickly beside Veronica as she watched TV.

"The Woodsboro murder cases finally come to an end. 22 Year olds Stuart Macher and Billy Loomis have been detained and sent to prison with life-sentences. 21 year old Veronica Rodriguez remains in the hospital, being treated for her injuries after being held captive by Loomis for two years. Loomis and Macher have been placed in prison and are currently withgoing their life-sentences.

Woodsboro copy-cat, 21 year old Mickey Altieri has been placed in a mental hospital and is kept under constant watch after being evaluated and deemed unfit for prison due to mental illness.

Rodriguez will not be spending any time in prison after it was deemed she was suffering from what appears to be Stockholm and was manipulated into not turning Macher and Loomis in, along with the trauma from the years of abuse from her mother, Laura Rodriguiz. However, Veronica Rodriguz will be spending time in a mental health hospital where she will undergo therapy and they will attempt to heal her PTSD.

I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say we wish the best for 21 year old Rodriguez. May she get the help she needs..."

Veronica shut off the TV and sighed, she couldn't bear being reminded of what happened. She just wanted to forget, but she knew it wasn't possible to fully forget. Part of her still felt bad for Billy... but she hated him with a burning passion and for once she felt like it was actually over...

But the brown eyes that watched her through the window disagreed...


A/N: HOLY CRAP GUYS!!! IT'S ALMOST BEEN A YEAR SINCE I STARTED THIS STORY (even though I didn't post it right away lol). I hope you all enjoyed, it's been a wild ride. Let me know if you want any extras to this story, such as little bonus scenes or chapters because I WILL MAKE THAT HAPPEN.


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