32. Voicemails

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Veronica groaned as the sound of snoring from beside her woke her up. She opened her eyes and sat up, looking to her left. The toned man next to her was laying on his stomach, snoring loudly.

It's strange how different people look when they are sleeping. His features were so soft and peaceful. His dark brown hair was messy and partially covered his eyes, soft freckles spotted over his nose and cheeks.

Veronica stretched and stood up, a firm grip tightened around her wrist. She turned and looked to see the man gripping her wrist, "Where you going?" His voice was deep and groggy.

"I have to get ready for work, Aaron." She explained, trying to pull away. His grip tightened in response, "Sit down..." He said, sternly, yanking her down on the bed.

Veronica's body hit the Aaronress harshly, she locked eyes with him. "I want you to stay home today..." He said.

Veronica shook her head, "Aaron, I can't. I need the money."

Aaron's grip tightened once more, "I said... I want you to stay home today." Veronica scoffed, "Really? And do what, Aaron?"

Aaron leaned forward and kissed her aggressively, "I want you..." He said, gripping her neck. Veronica swallowed thickly, keeping a cold expression. "Aaron, I spent all day with you yesterday. I'm still sore and tired, let me go..."

Aaron's expression harshened, "God damnit, Veronica! Why do you have to be such a fucking cock-blocker sometimes, why not just admit you're a slut and that you want it?! Rather than acting like you don't, acting all high and mighty." Veronica glared at him and escaped his grasp, walking into the bathroom and showering.

When she came back out, she saw that Aaron was nowhere to be found. Thank god, she exhaled in relief.

RING... RING... The baby blue telephone went off on the kitchen counter. She ran up to it and waited til it shut off, then checked her voicemail. She rarely felt the need to answer the phone, most of that was fear...

She clicked the play button on the voicemail machine.

"Tell me, Veronica, How are you? I miss you, I crave your touch, I need to hear your voice once more... Call me back..."

Veronica's eyebrow raised, this was different from the rest of the prank-calls she received. She would be lying if she said this one didn't stick with her.


At work a bunch of her usual clients arrived, a variety of them were there to see her. Something about her surviving living with a murderer was appealing to them, they brought it up often.

Today she had to wear an embarrassing PlayBoy Bunny outfit, along with her other female co-workers.

The day went by slowly, every hour felt like five... It was excruciating. About five minutes before closing time one of Veronica's younger clients approached her, he was about 26, so just a year or so older than her.

She went and she sat beside him in one of the booths, "I wanna see you outside of work..." He said, grinning.

"How so?" Veronica questioned, getting up and giving him the usual lapdance he asked for.

He gripped her hair and pulled her down onto his lap, his mouth near her ear. "I want to take you home with me..." He whispered.

Veronica's eyes widened slightly as she turned around on his lap, facing him, "O- Oh... Um, listen... I like you, Beck, I just really only do this for money..."

"Oh, don't be silly, Ronnie... Of course I'd pay you." He smirked, his tongue flicked out of his mouth.

"Okay... How much?" Veronica questioned, getting curious.

"500 an hour..." Beck's shit-eating grin was visible through the corner of Veronica's eye, she sighed.

"Fine... I can't tonight though..." She said, quietly, wanting nothing more than to avoid Beck.

"Tomorrow, then?" He asked, "I'll pick you up from work."

Veronica sighed, her blue eyes meeting his hazel ones. She ran her fingers through his dark auburn hair, "Sure..." She gave him a soft, close-mouthed smile.

He placed his hands on her tightly restrained waist, "Love the outfit today, babe."

Of course he does...

He lifted her off of him and slipped a small wad of cash between her revealed cleavage. Veronica could almost feel how red her face was, and over Beck?!

Beck stood up and leaned forward whispering into her ear, "See you tomorrow, doll~" With that he left the club, leaving Veronica a blushing mess.

She shook her head and stood up, pulling the cash from between her breasts. It was a whole sixty bucks, damnit Beck!

Veronica went back to the changing room and had one of her work-friends help unzip the stupid Playboy Bunny costume off. She removed the uncomfortable latex from herself, followed by the fishnets and bunny ears. She got back into her normal clothes, a baggy gray t-shirt and a pair of boring jeans.

Then she signed out and walked home, as she did, she couldn't shake the feeling that she was being watched. Fuck...

She picked up her pace every few seconds, til she was basically sprinting down the street to her apartment.

She quickly bolted up the few sets of stairs and down the hall to her apartment, unlocking the door and slamming it behind her.

Veronica gasped for air, completely out of breath. Damn I needa get in better shape, holy shit...

As she wheezed, attempting to get as much air in as possible, she heard her voicemail box go off.

You have 5 new messages

She walked over to it and pressed play.

Shivers were sent down her spine as messages along the same lines played, each one getting more and more dark as they went on.

"Veronica, I miss you..."

"Veronica, I need you..."

"Veronica, I lust for you..."

"Veronica, I'll find you..."

"Veronica, I'm coming for you..."

And that was just the last line of every message, everything before that was just the caller ranting about 'perfect' Veronica was.

It had been years since Billy and Stu... She hadn't felt true fear since Billy and Stu... but never really Stu... Stu was so good to her...

Billy was the one she feared. Stu was like a golden retriever with homicidal tendencies, God I miss Stu... She thought to herself.

A feeling of sick washed over her, she clutched her stomach and ran to the bathroom. She threw up in the toilet, it was too much...

Veronica showered and felt a bit better, then she went and put on a pair of pajamas (aka a pair of flannel shorts and a t-shirt).

She laid down in her bed with a loud sigh, she was thinking of Beck. Damn you, Beck! He was only a client... that's all she viewed him as... But, he was hot. Like, really, hot. And, not gonna lie, he was pretty respectful. He had once fought some old dude in the club who kept trying to touch Veronica's boobs.

Beck was so much better than Aaron... Sometimes Veronica didn't even know why she was with Aaron...
But it was probably because he was the first one to make a move and she just wanted someone to fill in the left side of her bed...

Veronica reached into her nightstand and pulled out a bright pink... item...
She thought about it for a moment, almost put it back, then gave in and used it...

It wasn't long after that she cleaned herself up and fell asleep, that she dreamt of Beck, and if she was being honest, she wasn't really upset with that...

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