8. Party Crasher

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September 15th, 1996

Billy slowly made his way closer and closer to Veronica. Soon enough his thigh was pressed against hers as they sat together on the couch.

He slung his arm around her shoulders. A group of future frat boys handed the two of them a few too many beers. Veronica downed all of hers faster than she should have, Billy decided to pace himself.

Randy soon came and sat near them, explaining how their lives could very easily become a horror movie.

After about ten minutes of Randy rambling Veronica looked at Billy. She was about four and half beers in, pretty hammered.

She looked at him with a soft smile and leaned against his chest. He wrapped an arm around her and gave a gentle squeeze, he wished so badly it was just the two of them. All he wanted was her, just her, just Veronica.

Sidney Prescott walked into Veronica's house. Veronica ran over to hug her and greet her. Leaving Billy on the couch alone.

He shot glares Sidney's way as she and Veronica talked.

The two were giggling and making jokes for a good ten minutes. Sideny then said goodbye and went off to the kitchen.

Veronica just barely sat back down when a blood curdling scream could be heard from Veronica's back porch.

"THERE'S TWO BODIES!!!" Someone screamed and everyone began to run around, half running to the back porch and the other half bolting towards the door. The house was filled with chaos. Screaming, crying, yelling, feet running all over.

Veronica stood back up amidst the chaos, a look of horror plastered on her face as she saw blood on the back porch.

Before anyone got to the door, the door was slammed open. All the teenager's stopped in place.

"VERONICA!" A voice Veronica knew far too well roared from the front door.

Veronica's face turned ghost white and her eyes panned over to the front door.

There, at the door, stood her raging mother looking rather disheveled.

Her mother's eyes were filled with fury, she could hear her mother's angry breathing from across the room.

"Oh god..." Veronica whimpered under her breath.

Her mother charged at her and Veronica ran towards the stairs, but her mother grabbed ahold of her hair and threw her to the floor where she began to wail on her.

The heavy smell of alcohol emerged from her mother's mouth as she screamed profanities at Veronica.

Veronica cried out in pain as her mother slapped, scratched, and punched her.

Teenager's watched in horror for what felt like forever to Veronica, but in reality it was about five seconds. The hits stopped being thrown and Veronica opened her eyes, weakly, to see Billy throwing her mother off of her.

She turned to her right to see Randy on the phone, reporting both the bodies and Veronica's mother.

Everything was in slow motion for Veronica and voices were muffled. She watched as Stu pinned her mother down so she couldn't move.

Billy rushed over to Veronica and scooped her up into his arms, carrying her bridal style.

She looked up at him, teary-eyed. His face was concerned and he looked on the verge of tears himself.

Veronica sniffled, her face was scratched up, swollen, her lip was cut, and her nose was bleeding.

"You're safe now..." He said.

Though to Veronica his words were muffled, she was able to make that out.

Billy walked to the door and teenagers looked at Veronica in horror.

Veronica blinked a few times then everything went black.

A/N: Another short chapter, hope you all are enjoying so far!!

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