24. House In The Woods

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June 16th, 1998


Veronica stirred as she felt the van come to a stop. She sat up and winced; she had forgotten her, now, ex-boyfriend cut her.

Stu rushed to her side and helped her stand up, "I think you'll like the house..." He said.

Billy opened the doors to the van and lifted her out of it, carrying her bridal-style.

He looked down at her as he walked up the stairs of a porch. His face was full of worry.

Stu unlocked the two locks on the outside of the door then opened it.

Billy hurried in and brought Veronica into the bathroom and sat her down on the floor. "Stay here..." He said and ran off.

Veronica looked around at the bathroom, it was bigger than the one she had at her old house.

Billy burst back into the bathroom, his arms full of various medical products.

He kneeled beside her, "Can you maybe just... lift the side of your shirt up...?"

Veronica took in a shaky breath and took her tanktop all the way off, leaving her only in her red sports bra.

Billy swallowed thickly as he looked at her, he quickly snapped out of it and began to clean her wound with rubbing alcohol.

She seethed held back tears as it burned into the flesh wound.

"I'm sorry... I don't want to hurt you..." He said quietly.

"It... it's fine..." Veronica said, her voice wavering.

He finished cleaning the wound, then he wrapped it up with various medical tapes and bandages.

Veronica carefully stood up, Billy appeared at her side. She glanced at him nervously. This did not go unnoticed by Billy.

"I'll um... I'll just take you to your room..." He said, his voice cracked at the end.

Veronica looked back at him again, locking eyes with him. He looked the same, his expression was soft... Just like that night...

She looked down at her feet as he led her down the hallway. He opened a door and turned on a light.

He cleared his throat, "This is, uh... your room..."

Veronica looked around, she felt a smile tug at her lips.

The room was painted a charcoal gray, there were various band posters on the walls, and a lamp with a red wicker shade.

There were Christmas lights taped on the tops of the walls, there was a TV and a box of VHS tapes, along with a few plants, a record player and, not to mention, a king sized bed.

Veronica went and sat down on the bed, staring blankly at the wall in front of her. She sighed softly, her face was dull and emotionless.

Billy looked around nervously, "Do you... like it...?" He asked.

Veronica turned to look at him and nodded, giving him a half smile.

He exhaled in relief, "Great! That... that's good... Hey, uh..." He walked over and sat beside her.

His hand itched to interlock with hers, "I'm sure you're... confused... a- and upset... or scared... But... just know you're safe, I'll always protect you..."

Veronica glanced up at him and nodded slowly, "Right..."

Billy sighed, "I'm sure you're exhausted... so I'll let you get some sleep, okay?"

Veronica nodded.

Billy got up and walked towards the door, "Goodnight, Veronica..."

He turned off her light and shut the door.

She laid down and got under the black satin bed sheets. She fell asleep quicker than expected, but she didn't stay that way for long...

She dreamt of being back home... But not her old house... Her dorm.

She was laying in bed beside Mickey, he smiled at her and stroked a piece of hair behind her ear.

He kissed her on the nose and said 'I love you.'

But then he pulled out a knife and stabbed her repeatedly in the chest. She screamed out for help.

"NO!" She cried out and began to sob. Stu and Billy burst into her room.

Stu climbed onto the bed with her, "Veronica?! Ronnie, what's wrong?!"

Veronica cried hysterically, "Mickey..." She wept.

Billy sighed and put his face in his palms, shaking his head. "Shit..." He swore, quiet enough for neither of the two to hear.

Stu pulled Veronica in for a hug and glanced up at Billy with a look of worry.

Billy chewed on his bottom lip, nervously.

Stu held onto Veronica, "You're okay... I've got you..." He lifted her up and carried her into his room.

Billy kicked the door frame and went back into his room, slamming the door.

Stu sat Veronica down on his bed, "You can sleep in here tonight, okay? I'll sleep on the floor, I'll be right here with you."

Veronica nodded and wiped her eyes. Stu pulled out a pile of blankets and laid them out on the floor.

"You wanna watch a movie?" He asked.

Veronica nodded again, "You got The Goonies...?"

Stu grinned, "Damn right I do." He walked over to his closet and pulled out a box of VHS tapes, he dug through them until he pulled out the requested movie.

He popped it into the VHS player and rewinded it to the beginning, then clicked play.

Veronica laid down in Stu's bed, but soon got back up to sweep off all of the chip crumbs onto Stu's face. "Why the hell is your entire mattress covered in a layer of chip crumbs, Stu?"

"I save 'em for midnight snacks." He shrugged with a grin.

"Ew, that's fucking disgusting!" Veronica laughed.

Stu chuckled along with her, "We really missed you, y'know?"

Veronica shrugged, "I didn't know you guys cared so much about me..."

"Of course we do! Anyone who doesn't is a fucking idiot and they don't deserve you." Stu replied.

Veronica smiled, "Thanks, Stu..."

He smiled back, "Get some sleep, you need it."

Veronica laid back down and watched the movie for a while before falling back asleep, this time she stayed asleep and dreamt of nothing.

Which was the way she wanted it to be.

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