27. Mickey...

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October 14th, 1998

It had been three months since Stu left, Billy and Veronica had only grown closer. Yet they still slept in separate rooms.

A routine soon fell into place.

Billy would always go out; he'd chop the wood, go hunting all day and bring back his kills, then come home to Veronica and all the work would be worth it just to see her.

Veronica, on the other hand, would stay in all day; she would watch movies, do the dishes, make the beds, and do the laundry, like some sort of 1950s' housewife, but she didn't mind, in her mind it had to be done and she'd rather do that than kill animals and chop wood.

This was, of course, only on days when those things were needed.


Billy soon returned home and gave Veronica a kiss as she prepared their dinner.

"Whatcha making, doll?" He asked, wrapping his arms around her waist.

"Lasagne," She replied, "My dad's recipe."

She remembered the recipe from the last time her and her dad had cooked together, it was the night he passed away. He had a seizure whilst watching a movie with Veronica's mother.

She remembered her mother's blood curdling scream, that was what had finally broken her. That was when everything went downhill.

Veronica continued cooking for at least 20 minutes, then it was done. Billy had set the table, Veronica served the two of them.

Billy smiled as he sat across from her, enjoying her cooking. The lasagne tasted how Veronica remembered it, it was amazing.

When the two finished, they both did the dishes and then went to go watch TV.

The TV went on, straight to the news.

"College killing survivor, Mickey Altieri, wakes up from a 4 month long coma after being shot by a perpetrator who is assumed to be related to the Woodsburrow Murders."

Billy quickly shut off the TV. Veronica stood up, a look of horror on her face. Mickey was alive.

Oh god... Would he remember her? She hadn't thought of him for months...

"Veronica..." He said, placing his hands on her shoulders. She said nothing and remained still.

Then she turned to him, "He's alive..." She said, "Mickey..."

Billy swallowed thickly, then sighed. "He didn't love you, you know? Not like I do..."

Veronica looked up at him, "What...?"

"I love you, Veronica... No one will ever love you like I do..." Billy stroked her cheek, "You're my everything..."

Veronica looked back down, "I am?"

Billy leaned down and kissed her, he kissed her so much she couldn't breath.

She believed him, no one would ever love her as much as he did. He was all she needed, ever. She only needed him...

A/N: Shorter chapter, my bad guys 😔😔

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