Chapter 1: The Beginning

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This was our beginning. Kimiko's, Yuu's, and mine, all of us young and unware of the future that lied ahead of us. If only we knew, it wouldn't have gone so wrong.

~2016~ Mika's POV:

Today was a day like any other. My family and I are herded into the bleeding stations like cattle. To where we must lay upon these cold and metal tables for the life to be sucked out of our bodies slowly. But for now, being 12 years old this was only standard and by my understanding, I had it better off than most other kids in the city. I had my family and my family is everything. We're currently trapped within the vampire city of Sanguienem. Yuu and I walk down the desolate streets heading back to the town center for our second bleeding session. 

"Come on Yuu, we need to get to the town center," I shout, looking back towards a lingering Yuu, who walks with his hands in his pockets and his shoulders shrugged.  "We're not animals, we shouldn't have to come here every day so those damned bloodsuckers can drink us dry!" He responds angered and looking away from me. 

I look towards Yuu annoyed by this repetitive conversation. "Yuu, as I say every day, you know what would happen if you don't, we talk about this constantly. I hate them too, but we can't just stop. We must protect our family."

"It just wasn't meant to be like this." Yuu responds under his breath. I look back to him with sadness taking me over. It never did use to be like this. We used to be happy and surrounded by our family, living with humans. But then they all were killed and the vampires came for us.

~ Four Years Ago ~

The Hyakuya Orphanage was home for unloved and abandoned children. But those brought here were all met with the love, nurture, and care that they all deserved and needed. The kids here weren't just living within the same house as one another as friends. They were a family. Each child had created a meaningful and deep bond with one another, unbreakable. No different from that of a blood relative. That was until the world stopped.

"Mika! Mika! Over here quickly, the director is hurt!!" Kimiko shouted. I rush over to her as quickly as possible. I approach her and see she's nervously shaking the director. I kneel down to Kimiko and the director to see what's going on. Kimiko looks at me worried with tears in her eyes. "Does this normally happen?" Kimiko had only been here a couple of months and hadn't gotten adjusted to everything yet. But this had never happened before.

I quickly turn around and look around for Yuu. "Yuu! Keep the kids behind you! Protect them!" I shout as he begins to gather the young children and calm them down. They begin to hide behind him as alarms throughout the city begin to blare and flashlights. Suddenly the glass from the glass door in front of us breaks and a tall hooded man with a grey clock enters the room.

 "These children of this orphanage now belong to the ruler of this domain, Third Progenitor, Krul Tepes! Queen of Japan." The hooded man speaks loudly while looking down on us. I'd never seen a man like him, he was tall, slender, and almost perfect, inhumane even. He had dark red eyes, pale skin, and dull blonde hair the man looked at us for a moment and began to walk closer to us.

"What are you doing! Get away from us!" Yuu shouts as the man beings to try grabbing his arm. Another man comes from the broken glass and starts to grab the younger kids. "Please leave the children alone!" Kimiko shouts in fear as they grab more of us and began herding us out into the streets and into large semi-trucks. 

It was there our life with the vampires began.

~ End of Flashback ~

Yuu groans loudly and kicks the ground in annoyance as we walk closer to the town center bleeding stations. " Hey Mika, you know if you destroy the head of a vampire you can kill it." He looks coldly to the ground and pretends to wave a sword around in preparation for a kill. I look at him and roll my eyes at his impulsive actions. "Don't be an idiot Yuu, we can't kill them, they're stronger and faster than we are. That's why you have to use your brain." I state to him while pointing to my head. He scoffs at me and we head into the town center to begin the process.

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