Chapter 27: Humans

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Kimiko's POV:


"What's going on?" I ask. As loud alarm sirens go throughout the city. "Alert, alert! Code Red!! A vampire is lose in the city, in the seventh district, he is blonde, is wearing noble clothes, and seems to be very hungry." says the loud speaker.

"Oh no" Yuu whispers.

"What, who is it?" I ask.

"Kimiko, do you remember the vampire that we helped about two days ago?" Yuu says. "Yeah why?" I ask. "Well by the description the announcement gave, it is that vampire, Mika our family."

"Oh" It was the only response I could give to what Yuu had just said.

I don't really know who this person is but something inside me makes me feel like I am close to this person. I want to help and protect him. I really wish I could remember him, I feel so empty on the inside, like there is nothing to who I am. I only hope that I can soon get my memories back and make some more sense out of the life I'm living and hope to make things better than they were before.

Yuu and I look at each other and then begin to sprint towards seventh district to find Mika, I just hope that no one has been hurt yet and that we can stop Mika or anyone else before they do something rash.

We get to the seventh district and go towards the area that has the most noise. I go down a couple alleyways and finally get to Mika.

We see him surrounded by several squads and soldiers from the Japaneses Imperial Demon Army. Mika doesn't look like he did before, his eyes seem sharper than before and not as 'human'. Not that he was really fully human before. Yuu and I push our way to the crowd to get a better view of Mika's situation.


Yuu's POV:


I look at Mika and he looks like a blood thirst beast. I can see his is going to attacking someone and won't have any hesitation to doing so. I need to stop him before anyone gets hurt. I am about to go to Mika when I see Shinya pull out his gun. "Noo, Shinya don't do it" Kimiko yelled.

"Why not?" He questioned.

"You can't, he's like me" she says. "No he is nothing like you Kimiko, he is soon going to hurt someone we can't let him do that" Shinya says. "Shinya trust me I can stop him just let me talk to him"

"No, I'm sorry Kimiko." Shinya pulls out his rifle like cursed gear and was preparing to shoot Mika.

I see tears in Kimiko's eyes, and before I can do anything I see Shinya shoot. I want to go see Mika but there is a huge dust cloud in front of him I can't see anything around the radius of where Mika was standing.


Kimiko's POV:


I see Shinya fires his rifle like curse gear at Mika and I automatically without hesitation go in front of Mika and protect him from the shot. I feel my life drain way from me slowly. What is this feeling that I've felt before. Is this some kind of deja vu. Why am I feeling this way again?

Am I dying?

I feel cold, my eyes are closed and I hear nothing around me. Wait. A intense and quick pain hits me in the head and I want to scream and I want to move but I can't. I'm paralyzed, and no one is going to help me. Then images, memories, thoughts, come to me, am I remembering things again. I see blood, blood, blood, and more blood, it's everywhere. I feel a part of me want to cry and the other wants to smile. What's wrong with me.

What's happening to me? I feel like I'm losing something. I see flashes of people in my life, my mother, Haruhi, Mika, Yuu. What happened to them? I think about it the only thing I can think is that they we're taken and hurt by the humans.

If my family was taken and hurt by them, why would I want to be around them. I see more flashes of Mika and Haruhi being attacked by the humans. Why am I here, I'm remembering things now. Why am I with the humans, I Hate them. The only thing they have done to me is hurt me. My entire life I've been hurt by them. I now know why everyone was so kind with me, because they didn't want to show me their real sides. I want to kill them all, I don't care who, I want all humans to die. Die, die, die, they need to die!!!

I finally am able to move my body and hear things around me. I open my eyes and see dust, it's all around me. I see Mika next to me knocked out and a huge pain in my chest. Shinya fu*king did this to me. I want to torcher him. I want to make him bleed,

The dust around me finally clears and I see Yuu giving me a concerned look. I being to laugh.

"What the hell is wrong with her?" Yuu says. I look over to my left and see Shinya, I stand up looking pissed as ever. "Kimiko..." he says quietly. I look at him and pick him up by the neck. "You fucking shot me in the chest for the third fucking time"I say pissed.

I see everyone around me with shocked faces. Then several soldiers pull out their weapons to attack me with and I just laugh. "You are really going to try attacking while I have your Major General life in my hands, you humans must be real idiots. "

I drop Shinya on the ground and walk back over to Mika. "Kimiko what's wrong with you?" Yuu asks concerned.

"I remembered everything Yuu. So you and you fucking humans have tried killing and hurt the people I care about many times. So get away from me before I kill you so, I can take Mika back to Sanguinem" I begin to lift Mika, who's passed out from getting part of the fire, from Shinya, since I took half of it.

"But Kimiko what about the times I've helped you?" Yuu asked

"I have no memory of that, so get away Yuu before, I kill you, because if you try to stop me any more I will kill you without hesitation"

Author's Note:

OOOOO, Well Kimiko is uhhh bad hehe. Anyways I hope you like this chapter, I know it may be a bit confusing, but I promise it was all be explained in later chapters and you will understand EVERYTHING!!!! So thanks for reading, and I hope you are liking the book. THANKS FOR READING AGAIN!!!!! ;) (Also has anyone read the latest chapter of the manga, chapter 36 and 37, OH MY FREAKING GOSH!! WHYYYYYYY!!!!)(hehe you gotta read it)


Sorry about the grammar mistakes. Sorry about taking suuuuuucccchhhhh a long time to update, but I really will try updating the book now, I promise. So sorry.

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