Chapter 20: Unknown

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Kyato's POV: 

~ Shibuya ~

Navigating the corridors of headquarters, I make my way to the training room where Yuu awaits. There's an air of urgency as I approach, curious about the news Yuu has to share regarding Kimiko's situation. Upon entering, I find Yuu engaged in conversation with some guards.

"Hey, Yuu," I greet him, walking over and waving.

"I have to tell you something," Yuu says gravely. I nod, signaling for him to continue.

"Kimiko is still being held captive by the Moon Demon Company. They're subjecting her to relentless interrogation, and she's on the verge of losing control. She's trying to hold herself together, but it's only a matter of time," he explains, his words heavy with concern.

"What's our plan for getting her out?" I inquire, my mind already racing with potential strategies.

"I'm not sure, but we need to act fast," Yuu responds, his determination palpable.

"I understand that you might not want to share all the details of what happened with Kimiko, but trust me, it's better if you do," I say earnestly.

I harbor a deep-seated resentment toward vampires, stemming from a traumatic incident in my youth. Yet, what Kimiko did to them was unfathomable. Despite the atrocities committed against her, I can't shake the feeling of sympathy for both her and her victims. The burden of her actions weighs heavily on her, a weight she'll carry for the rest of her days.

Yuu's hand suddenly appears in front of my face, snapping me out of my reverie.

"Sorry," I mumble, refocusing my attention.

"I know it's painful to think about, but we need to devise a plan to rescue Kimiko," Yuu says, his eyes reflecting the determination mirrored in my own. With a shared nod, we leave the training room to confer with the rest of our team.

Mika's POV: 

~ Unknown ~

As Haruhi and I traverse the desolate streets of the ruined human city, our senses on high alert, we spot a lone figure in the distance. Before I can alert Haruhi to the potential threat, she charges forward, her sword poised at the figure's throat.

Her speed is staggering, a testament to her vampiric nature. "What are you doing here?" she demands, her voice tinged with caution and curiosity. I move to intervene, but before I can, she releases herself from the stranger's grip and retaliates, placing her own sword at their throat.

"That's none of your business," I interject firmly, asserting myself in the tense standoff. As I assess the stranger, I note their distinctive attire—a red cloak enveloping their form, their features obscured by shadows.

"It's you," Haruhi exclaims suddenly, her voice trembling with a mixture of shock and fear. She points a trembling finger at the cloaked figure, her revelation leaving me perplexed.

"You're Renge, the 7th progenitor," she declares, her words laden with trepidation. My confusion deepens as I struggle to comprehend the significance of Haruhi's revelation.

Kimiko's POV: 

~ Human Headquarters ~

"Time for your next interrogation," the guard announces, his voice grating against my senses. Weakly, I lift my head as he administers another dose of the serum, the world blurring into darkness as I succumb to its effects.

"Wake up!" a voice demands, jolting me from my drug-induced stupor. I rouse myself, straightening up as I assess the situation. Guren stands before me, his presence a grim reminder of the ordeal that awaits.

"Oh, it's you," I mutter, my annoyance palpable as I bury my face in my arms.

"You need to answer my questions," Guren insists, his tone brimming with authority.

"I don't care about your questions," I retort, my defiance unwavering.

"You'd be dead by now if your brother hadn't intervened with the General-in-Chief," Guren remarks, his words cutting through the haze of my thoughts. Shinya's unexpected act of mercy catches me off guard, stirring conflicting emotions within me.

"Oh," I manage weakly, the weight of his actions sinking in as I contemplate their implications. My gaze falls to the floor, a silent acknowledgment of my brother's unexpected gesture.

About ten minutes pass before the door creaks open once more. I shift my position slightly, straining to catch a glimpse of my visitor. It's Yuu. A wave of relief washes over me, and I muster a small smile in greeting.

"Hey, Kimiko," he says warmly, his presence a welcome respite in the suffocating confines of my cell. I long to embrace him, but the chains binding me to the ground serve as a cruel reminder of my captivity.

"Hi, Yuu," I reply, a hint of sadness coloring my words as I yearn for the freedom denied to me.

"Yuu, you need to inform them about my... condition," I interject awkwardly, my discomfort evident.

"I'm trying, but they're not listening," he admits, his frustration evident.

"Please, Yuu, I don't want to hurt anyone," I implore, the gravity of my situation weighing heavily upon me. Guren's sudden entrance interrupts our conversation, his presence casting a shadow over our fragile peace.

"Who are you planning to kill, vampire?" Guren sneers, his words dripping with contempt as he dismisses my pleas for mercy.

"If you want to avoid a premature demise, you'd do well to release me. My inability to consume human blood means I pose no threat to your kind," I reason, desperation creeping into my voice.

"Ridiculous," Guren scoffs, his laughter echoing off the sterile walls of the interrogation room. I brace myself for his inevitable rebuttal, but before I can respond, a searing pain lances through my chest and throat, rendering me speechless. I writhe in agony, clutching at my chest as darkness encroaches upon my consciousness.

"What's wrong now?" Guren taunts, his derision a cruel mockery of my suffering.

I struggle to articulate a response, but the words elude me. A dark aura emanates from within me, a harbinger of the chaos that threatens to consume me.

I'm losing control.

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