Chapter 36: One Day

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Kimiko's POV:


"Mika, who are those people over there?" I being pointing to the two blurry figures heading towards us.

"Kimiko we need to leave now!" He yells.

"They could just be petty humans, we don't need to run. And even if they are vampires, they wouldn't dare to confront us in a fight"

Silly Mika he thinks he knows what he's talking about. How cute.

"Kimiko you don't understand, we need to leave. Now!" They come closer to us and I see that Luna is with some guy.

"Luna! Who's that?" I yell and she just looks at me with a deep grin. The man next to her looks at me and puts a smug look on his face.

"Hello dear, Kimiko it's been a very long time since I've seen you" the man speaks to me.

"Who are you?" I ask.

"I see so Krul did erase your memory. How fascinating."

"Kimiko, let's go!" Mika yells.

"Oh hello Mika. Have you too forgotten me?"

"We don't need you here Isao. Leave." Mika spats.

"Well I'm glad you remember me Mika. " The man stepped slowly towards me and Mika pulled me back, although I was able to get a better look at the man.

He was tall with light blue hair, blood red eyes, wearing noble clothing and had a presence of pure evil.

"Who is he Mika? I'm not leaving until I get an answer." I say.

"A person, we shouldn't be with." I was about you yell at Mika, to tell me more about this mysterious man. But then Mika, quickly grabs, puts me on his back, and runs away while he's carrying Yuu in his right arm and me with his left arm.

Mika's POV:

The only way to save Kimiko and Yuu from Isao, is for me to just taken them both and get away as far as I could from him.

I quickly grabbed Kimiko before she could speak and ran towards the direction of the Nagoya airport.


I finally stopped after I felt that I'd reached a reasonable distance from him and Luna.

"Mika would you fuc*ing put me down" Kimiko yells. I drop her hard on the floor and she groans.

"Why'd you have to drop me so hard. That's not nice Mika."

I ignore her comment and put Yuu down gently. "Why does Yuu get to be dropped nicely. I'm the princess here. The real one. "

"Kimiko would you stop talking, he's hurt and unconscious. While you were hitting me and kept on screaming."

"Wha-" But before she could finish her sentence. I feel a heavy weight on me and everything goes black.


Four years ago

"Mika~! Isao is going to meet us in the palace, let's go!" Ferid yells. Ignore his comment and continue sitting down on the floor. He looks at me and frowns, he come over and begins to push me up off the floor and is dragging me to the palace. "Ferid I don't want to go. I don't like Isao."

"Too bad Mika, you're going, and if you don't go then Kimiko will." I slowly stood up, and began walking with Ferid.

I wouldn't dare, letting Kimiko be around that man. Even though I have no idea where she is, or if she's even safe, but at least I know she's alive and that's more than I know about Yuu.


We soon reach the palace, and I see Isao there at the door there waiting for us. "Oh Ferid, it's so nice to see you, and hello there to you too Mika" He evilly grins to me and I grunt. "I hurt Mika, after all I've done for you, and you still don't like me, what a pity."

"What do you want Isao, why are we here." I ask.

"Well that is what you've been wondering, now is it. I will tell you, but we can't do it here, to many people are here." he says. "Well then let's go somewhere you can tell us. I'm intrigued Isao" Ferid says. We leave the palace and head to an unknown area of my knowledge in Sanguinem. He turns around to us and smirks.

"We're going to kidnap the vampire princess, Kimiko."

Kimiko! Is that where she is? Why is she the princess? Did she become a vampire? Why does Isao want and why would he think Ferid and I would help him?

Many questions ran through my head before I could even ask him why. "Sure, when?" Ferid says calmly.

"No! You can't have her, leave her alone." I say furiously. "Oh dear Mika, don't you want to be reunited with your little Kimiko." Isao says.

"What are planning to do with her?" I ask. "Well, I'm going to get her out of the palace of course."

Isao only cares about himself and power, why would he save Kimiko? I have to make she's alright.

"Fine, but I want to be there the whole time." He nods and continues explaining his plan to Ferid and I.

Four Days Later:

Today is the day we're going to save Kimiko from the palace. Ferid and Isao have arranged a meeting with Krul and are going to have Isao slip out of the meeting for awhile to go get Kimiko. While I keep look out for anyone that could mess up the plan.

We get to the palace and we all enter, both Ferid and Isao head into the throne to talk with Krul while I wait near, Kimiko's room.

Should I go in and see her. I can hear in her room, she's singing a song we sang at the orphanage.

Fais dodo, 'Colas, mon p'tit frère,

Fais dodo, t'auras du lolo.

Maman est en haut, qui fait du gateau;

Papa est en bas, qu'il fait du chocolat

I was about to enter her room when Isao comes. "Great job Mika, I'll get her and we'll be on our way out." He then enters her room and I start to walk around to make sure we're not being watched. I finishing checking the area and head back to the room.

I peak through the door and see Isao on holding Kimiko's body and draining her. In her eyes I can see her life leaving them. "Isao! All you wanted from her was her blood and power from Krul! I thought you we're going to actually help her."

"How naive you are Mika. This is a world of power it's the only way you're going to make it." He drops Kimiko, who's now on the floor passed out and he leaves the room.

Isao, I will never forgive you what you've done and one day I will get you back for it.

Author's Note:

Sorry!!!! Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry! I know it's been forever since I've updated and I'm sorry. I've had track, my french, birthdays, volleyball, choir, plays and etc. I'm so sorry, but now things have calmed down for me and I'm finally able to get back to writing. And will be able to update more often. Yaya!! So thank you very much for reading!




P.S Sorry for grammatical errors.

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