Chapter 28: Evil Side

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Yuu's POV:


"But Kimiko what about the times I've helped you?" Yuu asked

"I have no memory of that, so get away Yuu before I- just don't try to stop me anymore and if you do, I will kill you, without hesitation" she says.

I look at her in amazement of what she just said. She then she beings to walk away towards the exit of the city.

I want to say something and I want to stop her, but I also don't to risk her killing me and her killing a person. I have to find out what's wrong with Kimiko. Why doesn't she remembering anything about me? She knows who I am but nothing else, I need to talk to Kyato about this.

I walk away from the scene of what just happen and head to where Kyato lives. I walk for about ten minutes and I then finally get to Kyato's house. I knock on the door and Kyato answer's.

" What's wrong Yuu?" He asks annoyed.

"Did you hear the alarm that went off about the vampire attack, in the seventh district?"

"Yea wasn't it taken care of already though"


"Hey where's Kimiko?" He asks confused.

"Kyato, Mika was the vampire that attacked the seventh district, Kimiko tried to save him and then got her memories back........ but being how she used to be she is the complete opposite she hates humans, and she loves vampires."

Kyato looks at me with a shocked face. I want to say something, to explain more, but I don't know much about what's going either. I just hope that he knows something since he's know Kimiko as a vampire longer than I have.

"Does she remember the times we helped each other?" He finally asks.

" I don't know, but all I know is that she is not who she used to be."

"Well why?"

"I don't know...."

We talk for a bit and think about the reasons of why Kimiko could be like this. I wonder several times if it had to do with something she said before, her Seraph?

Kimiko's POV:


I carry Mika on my left shoulder to support his body. He is so freaking heavy. I don't think I can hold him like this for much longer. I stop and put him down to take a break.

I sit down on the floor and think. What right did Yuu think he had talking to me as if he were my friend. I haven't seen him for a very long time and every time he's around me someone I care about gets hurt. He has done nothing good for me and with that he is also aligned with those stupid humans. Their such weak creatures, and should just be slaves to us.

I look in the distance and see a familiar looking girl. I squint my eyes to see who is coming my way, it was Luna. This is perfect I'm hungry and she's a human.

I walk up to her with a huge smile on my face as if I was like my pathetic self before I got my memories back. She looks up at me and I see something different about her. I look at her closer.

"Well I see you have changed Luna " I say with a smirk on my face.

"Well yes and I do love the new me"

"Well your fully turned that's good" I say with a grin only my face. Luna is now a vampire I wonder who turned her though?

"Who turned you? " I ask.

"The seventh progenitor, Renge"

"Oh I of know her, but I've never met her but my mother does have an interest in her . "

"So where are you off to Kimiko. I see you got your memories back"

"Well yes I did and I'm much better than I was before, this time I'm going to be much more powerful and actually do something right for a change. Lets start a better war than what my mother had planned with the humans. "

"Hmmmm I like the idea of that " she says.

"Then lets go" I smile.

Mika's POV:


Ehh I feel so weak what happened, where am I? Are Yuu and Kimiko okay? I begin to form many questions in my head about where I am and whats going on when I hear faint voices in the background of me.

I can tell there are two voices and one sounds very familiar to the me. While the other is completely new to me. I try to open my eyes and see only a blur, I see a girl with white hair, she is facing her back towards me so I can't see her face. The other girl has purple hair and red eyes. Is she a vampire? I try to move my body but am unable to. What am I doing here, where is everyone?

I look at the vampire and see her mouth moving but can't hear anything coming from her mouth. I try to really focus on what's going on to see if i can try listening to her. Then I can hear their conversation going in and out.

"Where are you going to att-" says one of the girls.

"Surely we can stop them" the other says.

"But why woul-"

" We musn't th-"

What's going on? I can only hear bits and pieces of the their conversation. Are Yuu and Kimiko okay? What happened after I was in the sewer? I have no memory of the past day. I then wait a bit longer and am able to then fully open my eyes. I look around at my surroundings and see that we're in the middle of nowhere.

I then I see the girl with the white hair turn around and she gives me a smirk. Kimiko?

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