Chapter 24: The Truth

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Kimiko's POV:

~ Shibuya ~

It has been two weeks since I lost my memory and started being watched by Yuu and Shinya. During this time, Shinya and I have been spending alternate days together. He has been reintroducing me to his current self, his past, and the events that separated us years ago.

He has shared more about our parents, explaining how they sold him to the Hiragi family, and shortly after, they met their tragic end in a car accident. This incident ultimately led to Yuu entering our lives. Meanwhile, Yuu has been educating me about the vampire takeover and its aftermath. It's been a lot of information to take in, but I'm gradually finding a sense of who I am now compared to before.

Despite my growing understanding of my current circumstances, a lingering uncertainty plagues my thoughts—the mystery of my identity over the past four years. Where did I come from, and why do I feel this overwhelming grief and suffocating hunger within myself?

"Kimiko, we're going to test your first attack against a vampire now," Guren announces, breaking through my introspection. His words snap me back to the present, where the he begins explaining the purpose of his visit.

"You'll need your special weapon. You'll receive a unique weapon different from everyone else," he adds, his voice carrying both instruction and a sense of urgency. I nod, determined to focus on the task at hand despite the turmoil brewing within me.

"You'll be part of Yuu's squad," Shiny follows walking up behind Guren. "But doesn't he already have enough people?" I inquire. "Yes, but due to recent events, we're allowing two extra members on his team: you and Kyato," Shinya explains.

"Kimiko, you mustn't ever get close to a vampire and never engage in battle without backup," Shinya warns.

"Yes, sir," I salute, and then an army private enters, whispering into Guren's ear. Guren's expression turns serious. "I understand. I'll be there right away," he says, addressing me, "There are vampires here that need to be captured and questioned. Your first assignment is to witness me taking down these vampires." I nod, and we prepare to leave the room.

We reach the heart of the city and spot a couple of vampires attempting to enter a nearby building. Guren swiftly takes down the blonde one with a shot to the back.

The other two try to flee, but our team apprehends them quickly. "This is how we deal with them efficiently," Guren explains, pleased with the swift capture. "Grab the blonde boy and bring him to me."

I approach the unconscious blonde vampire, but as I touch him, something stirs within me. "Kimiko," he murmurs, and a sudden sharp pain grips my head, causing me to cry out in agony.

I close my eyes tightly, and flashes of blood-filled memories flood my mind. I scream, overwhelmed by the intensity of the images. Guren grins watching my internal destruction, as I collapse to the ground. "Oh what a fascinating development" Guren states, concern evidently missing in his voice. "Blood, BLOOD!" I cry out.

The flashes intensify, showing Yuu's face and the blonde vampire's face. I clench my teeth, feeling a strange sensation, until the pain subsides, and I realize my teeth have transformed into fangs. I scream even louder, grappling with the sudden revelation.

It all becomes clear—I'm a vampire. That's why they called me a vampire. But why am I here? Who am I? Why aren't my eyes red? Do I kill people? Why did I see the blonde vampire and Yuu? Why haven't they killed me yet? Questions flood my mind, but I have no answers.

When I open my eyes, Yuu stands above me, offering his hand. I grasp it, and he helps me to my feet. As he begins to lead me toward his house, I stop him. "What about the blonde vampire?" I ask, gesturing toward him in the distant alley way. "Who?" Yuu looks puzzled. I point to the blonde boy, and Yuu rushes to him. "Mika! Mika!" he calls out.

I join Yuu beside the blonde boy. "Who is he?" I inquire. "He's our family," Yuu reveals, almost teary-eyed. "Who am I? I feel like I know him from somewhere," I admit. Yuu looks surprised, then gazes at the boy. "I believe you understand more than you realize," he says. "Yes, I do. I'm a vampire. But why am I here?" Yuu looks to me with a regretful look and then towards the ground. 

"You and Mika were captured by the army. While attempting to escape, you were caught. You struck a deal with us to release Mika and your vampire friend in exchange for anything we wanted. We accepted and released them. Then..." Yuu pauses, his expression solemn.

"During an interrogation, your bloodlust became uncontrollable, and you were about to attack me. You asked Guren to kill you, and he did. You turned to dust. But as I was leaving, you returned with no memory."

"That's why I have no memory. But how did I become a vampire?" I ask, puzzled. "I'm not sure about that. You'll have to ask Mika," Yuu suggests.

"This is Mika-chan?" I inquire, pointing to the boy. "Yes, he used to be human like you," Yuu confirms.

"I used to be human?" I express my confusion. "Yes, and you were taken in by Krul." I look to Yuu in absolute shock and begin to take in all the pieces of information he relayed to me.

"Krul? The queen?" I ask, shocked by his revelation, and he nods in acknowledgment.

"What! How?" I'm stunned, trying to process this unexpected piece of information.

"The third progenitor, Krul Tepes, raised you. But before you ask more questions, we need to get Mika out of here." I agree with him, realizing the urgency of the situation. Together, we carefully move Mika to a secluded spot, away from prying eyes.

"How can we help him?" I ask Yuu. "We have to give him blood," Yuu explains. "Okay, then give him blood," I suggest. "I can't. He can't become fully human again, if he has real blood. You have to do it."

"That doesn't make sense, but alright." I reluctantly offer my wrist to Mika, feeling a bit repulsed yet determined. As he wakes, I feel a surge of unease. "Kimiko," he whispers, triggering a sharp pain in my head.

My mind floods with horrifying images—screams, violence, and death. Tears stream down my face as I sob uncontrollably. "What's happening, Kimiko?" Yuu's voice is filled with concern. "The memories, the screams—they're unbearable. I killed -," I confess, shaken by the revelations.

Yuu looks to me concerned and makes a quick motion for me to not continue on.

As Mika regains consciousness, he addresses me, "Kimiko, I'm here to take you back to your mother." 

"My mother, no I can't. I don't know who I am or anyone else for that matter," I admit to Mika. "What do you mean?" He appears puzzled. "Mika."

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