Chapter 5: 4 Years Later

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Quick Note:

If the story seems almost the same as the original story I'm sorry that's just how it starts off, but in chapter 11~Shinjuku and 12~My Promise the new story that I've written really pops out! Okay just wanted to add that because people were getting confused THANK YOU SO MUCH!

2020 ~

Yuu's POV:

~ Human City - Shibuya, Tokyo ~

Every time I gaze upon a beast, one of the Four Horsemen of John, it serves as a painful reminder of the night my family was ruthlessly slaughtered by that despicable Ferid. The memories haunt me—my loved ones lying lifeless, their bodies soaked in blood, each one of them bleeding out or already devoid of life. I can still see Mika's face gradually losing its last traces of vitality.

My eyes fixate on the Four Horsemen of John looming ahead, and a surge of determination courses through me. "Die." I refuse to let another wretched creature destroy yet another family. "Private! You can't do this! You're violating the code. I advise you to step back and avoid getting yourself hurt!" a guard yells at me as I prepare to strike, but a small smirk creeps onto my face.

"Haha, I never back down from a fight," I declare as I thrust my sword at an angle, impaling the beast's body. The creature momentarily freezes, sliced in half, before sliding to the side and dissipating into thin air.

"Haha, well done!" Kyato speaks, approaching me for a congratulatory high-five. "But you do realize you're going to face consequences for this," he laughs, shaking his head. "This isn't Sanguinem," he adds. Kyato, raised in Sanguinem like me but held in a different section, managed to escape the city two years ago at the age of 14 with the help of a vampire. Yet he is driven by the loss of his sister and has vowed to seek revenge.

"Ah, who cares? I'm still amazing," I respond with a grin, glancing at another soldier approaching with an angry expression. "You're violating protocols!" he shouts, and I shrug in annoyance. It's not like anything substantial will come out of this.

"I'll get off the hook easily anyway," I say with a smirk, walking away from the guard as Kyato joins me on our way back to Shibuya. The day goes on and we head back to base. The following day at school I'm immediately called to the office. Typical....

This is utter nonsense. The Hiragi family will pay for punishing me for eliminating the monsters they ordered me to. A soldier of the Japanese Imperial Demon Army doesn't need to waste time attending high school.

"Yuichiro Hyakuya, if you don't stop this incompetence and pay attention, you will be suspended!" the teacher, standing in front of me, yells in frustration. "Suspend me? I don't need to be here any longer anyway," I retort with a slight smirk. As I finish my sentence, someone taps my shoulder, and I turn around to face a girl with reddish-brown eyes and purple hair, who opens her notebook and shows it to me. Written is.

"My name is Shinoa Hiragi. The army has appointed me as your supervisor. If you don't cooperate, I will report you to the army, and your punishment will be extended. Behave," she says, her eyes piercing into mine.

My eyes widen as she hands me a note with Guren's signature engraved on it. I look down at the letter and let out a sigh. I swear, if he tries to give me some life advice... I open the letter and read its contents.

"In the army, we don't need a naive boy who knows nothing about friendship, comradeship, and love. Get your head out of your ass," the letter reads.

Anger and confusion well up within me as I finish reading. I look up at the girl and respond, annoyed, "I do have a friend. Kyato, he's my friend." The girl looks at me and whispers softly, "Keep reading the letter." My eyes continue scanning the words until I reach the postscript, where I see Guren's final message.

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