Chapter 42: Turned

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Yuu's POV:


I wake up to a dark, damp cell with my arms chained to the wall at my back. I didn't have much time to observe my new surroundings before I was ripped from my thoughts. Beyond the metallic bars, a few vampire nobles passed by, barely sparing a glance in my direction. Well, at least most of them didn't. One brakes away from the rest and approaches my cell.

Fiddling with the keys, the silver haired noble unlocks the gate and steps inside, closing the gate behind him with a loud clang. "Why hello, little human." He grins, kicking me in the chest. I cough up blood and stare at the floor. 

"Well why don't you say something?" He laughs, kicking me constantly. "I wonder how your genes would react to some tests."

"What?" I question. He pulls out his sword and stabs me in the chest. Everything  goes black for a moment, then a harsh light blinds me and I seem to be in the sky. I turn around and my eyes land on Asuramaru.

"Welcome back Yuu."

"Why am I here?" I ask.

"The vampires are experimenting on you, they want you to unlock your seraph again." He says.


"So they can use you for their own gain, they're obsessed with power, especially Isao. They need you to destroy the parts  of Japan that the humans have already taken."

"How do I get out of here? Where is Kimiko? What happened to Mika? How did the vampires capture me?" I ask.

"The only way to get out of here is to use the trumpet again, but the more you use it, the more the angel will take over. Angels are ugly creatures, worse than demons." He says. I walk over to the trumpet, pick it up and blow. Suddenly, I'm pulled back into the human world.

Isao  POV:

"You disgusting vampire." The demon sneers.

"The King of Salt. How fascinating." I say. He pulls his arms against the chains, they don't budge. "Enchanted Chains." he gives the chains another weak tug and slumps against the wall. "What kind of experiments could I do with you." I kick him in the stomach. He coughs up more blood and his attention shifts to a point behind me. Curious, I quickly glance over my shoulder. I'm surprised I didn't notice Ferid when he first came in.

" What are you doing Isao?" He asks.

"Testing the seraphs abilities, he seems significantly weaker with those chains on. Relatively useless."

"Why won't we give it some motive to fight back." Ferid smirks. We move the chains off the wall and drag it to where Krul and Haruhi are chained.

"You worthless vampires." he says. We open the doors and enter the room.

"What are you doing to my seraph!" Krul yells.

I drop the creature in front of them an then pierce his chest with my sword. "What is the meaning of this! "Krul yells.

"You bastard." he grits through his teeth.

"Here's our little game, kill one of them now or we're going to kill both of them and Kimiko." I say as I pull out my sword and point it towards both Haruhi and Krul.

Yuu's POV:

No they can't have her, the humans took her. I can't risk her life, but I can't choose, although if I kill Krul would something happen to Kimiko since she hasn't fully turned. I-

"You're taking to long, who are you going to kill." Isao says.

"I'm not doing your bidding, that's pathetic." I say.

"Then they'll both die."

"Can you really kill your own daughter?" Krul asks.

"Watch me." He says, Haruhi begins to scramble back until her back hits the wall. He pulls out his sword, and pierces her chest. He pulls the sword to the side, ripping her apart from the center outward. A tear falls from her eyes as she turns to dust. Krul's face forms into anger, whilst her eyes show hints of sadness. I feel a wave of dizziness then everything is black. 


I wake up back in the cell and feel the chains tighter around my wrist than they were before. 

I can feel my body again. The angel is gone, but it did something else while I blacked out.

"I'm back?" I question myself quietly. 

"Well where'd you go?" I lift my head as my eyes land on a little boy watching me.

"What do you want." I say.

"Why did Krul pick you?" He asks. I look at him in confusion.

"What?" I respond.

"How did she know? I won-" He gets cut off by Isao entering the cell.

"You pathetic human!" Isao yells while walking closer to me, "Tell me where the other Seraphs are!"

"Others? There are only two?" I respond, my confusion evident in my voice.  

There can't possibly be any other seraphs...Can there? 

"The other seraphs. Seeing that the only seraphs are the meddling humans in our lives, I can only guess that Mika-kun too is also a seraph." Ferid says plainly. Isao eyes widen as he grins, menacingly. 

"The humans are preparing  their next take over in Osaka, once they are there we will release you and they will release their seraph. Mika won't be able to watch as you two destroy each other so he'll have to pick a side and whichever side he picks will win. A beautiful game. Either way the humans will lose  being that many of their soldiers are going to die whilst the fighting continues, a perfect onslaught of the humans. A perfect game. Be ready to depart to Osaka." Isao explains as he trails after Ferid, both leaving the cell. 

No I can't let that happen, Mika, he won't be able to save us both. I won't let him choose. Thi-

My thoughts get cut off by the sound of footsteps. I glance over noticing Luna and the wide open cell door behind her. "Hi there." She smiles as she leans on the cell door. 

"You! Why are you here? You're the reason Haruhi is dead!" I yell.

"Oh don't be sad, she isn't really, dead. " She smiles.

"What?" I question. 

"She's been dead since she 's-well ya know she's was a vampire." She laughs with a huge smile. "Now that I've got your attention, my master has sent me to offer you a deal in order to save your precious Kimiko." She . 

"What is it and what about Mika? He won't survive this either." I ask. 

"My master offers to save both Mika and Kimiko on one condition." 

"What is it?" I ask again.

"You. My master will only save them if you promise to turn."

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