Chapter 9: I'm Coming Home

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Kimiko's POV

~ Bedroom in Sannomiya ~

Wow....Mika is a real asshole is he thinks I'm not going to see Yuu. No matter what I'm going to Shinjuku, he needs my help, and knowing Mika he's going to get himself into trouble. So imma stop him before he gets himself killed. 

I look out the window of my room overlooking Sannomiya and let out a heavy sigh falling back onto my bed. I miss my family...Every day I feel as though I could have done more, should have done more to save them...But knowing Mika and Yuu are alive, I have the chance to save them like I couldn't with my family before.

A loud sound soon hits my door and I turn over. "Come in," I say disinterested and unmoving from my bed as the person enters my room. The person stands at my door unspoken and I turn back over to see who came in. "What do you want Rene?" 

"Well, I'd heard that you've been feeling a bit down and came to check on you." He speaks with a hint of curiosity as he walks closer to my bed. "And I've also heard that you and Mika have been hanging around quite a bit as well?"

"Well I haven't seen him in four years, he's my family, it quite some time for a human. Why do you ask?" I ask as he hits himself on my bed. "But you Kimiko, are not human?" He grins. 

"I used to be, just leave me alone." 

"Awwww why so grumpy?" He laughs leaning over me causing me to swat his face from mine. "Nothing, just Mika's been on my nerves.

"Well, I say why are you even listening to him? You are need of fighting practice, aren't you princess? And we leave in two days if you would like to join us? And of course both I and Lucas will accompany as we are meant to." Rene speaks with a large grin. 

"Rene you will be the death of me, but thank you. I will meet you there." I give him a small smile before he leaves and lay back on my bed. I'll finally get to see Yuu. I've never thought the idea of him being alive was possible until Mika told me and now I'm going to be with him again. I'm coming Yuu. I promise.


Mika's POV

~ Vampire Palace ~

"Hey Mika you ready to go, you and I will be leaving earlier than the rest of the other troops to Shinjuku," Ferid speaks as he approaches me from behind. I give him a slight nod and continue to overlook the base.  I know that Kimiko is furious with me telling her she can't come to Shinjuku, but its what's best for her. I know being here is the safest place for her. Going into battle she could die, and I can't lose her after finding her so soon. 

" Mika-kun, we're leaving, don't be late!" Ferid shouts with excitement. I turn around walking up to the slanted port entering the plane and sit, ready for the battle. 

The ride from Sannomiya to Shinjuku is over soon and we land on the outskirts of the city. Our unit and I begin to walk around for about an hour, I order that we enter the city undetected, and once inside, Ferid and I were to look for where the human forces appear weakest and learn where they have set up camp.

And as soon as we had found the cities weakest point of defense we brought in the troops to prepare for battle. Ferid and I stood on top of a building overlooking the city. "Ah, we're being watched." He speaks suddenly with a slight smirk on his face.


Yuu's POV

~ Omotesando Subway Sation ~

"Ah look, there's a nest of vampires here, their keeping people held as livestock according to what the little girl, that Yuu saved, said." Shinoa says as she looks to that paper in her hands the young girl had given us. 

"Hehe, let's hurry up and kill some vampires now,  yeah?" Kyato groans as he grips his sword in excitement. "Ah the first vampire I see is going to die!" I shout imagining my victory as I kill the vampire with ease.  

"Sure idiots, but the enemies have the numbers on their side, we'll lose quickly is we go in hot, like a bunch of amateurs." Mitsuba deadpans looking towards Kyato and me, causing us to look to one another and give her blank and annoyed looks. 

"Okay we're close stay in formation and remember to protect one another," Shinoa says as we walk further into the abandoned subway. The farther we travel into the station the halls get darker and more decrepit. We finally come across a large number of people backed into and laying along the walls. They sit there lifeless and drained, their clothing indicates they are for sure livestock of the vampires.

We continue walking past the people and as we near the end of the hall the group of vampires notice us. "Draw your weapons, preparing for an attack!" Shinoa commands the vampires look to us mimicking our movements pulling their weapons out as well, and charge at us. One of them approaches me and I swiftly run my sword deep into its body, turning it into ash.

"How does it feel to be killed by a piece of livestock like me, monster!" I shout as I killed another vampire, quicktly pulling my sword out of its chest and charging to another creature. "You idiot, you're breaking formation!" Mitsuba yells to me, but as she's yelling a vampire prepares to attack her from behind and I launch towards her moving her out of the way.  She pauses looking back at me shocked and I continue to finish the vampire. 

We quickly kill the rest of the vampires, but more soon show much. I look around and see that everyone in my team is being held hostage by the vampires. No. I can't let this happen, not again. I've already lost my family to vampires, I wont lose them again. I then again each of the monsters, giving freedom to my team. And just as I'm finishing, I see one of them has Mitsuba by the neck. 

I charge at it swinging my sword into its body and grab Mitsuba as quickly as possible. We actually finish them off now. We then collect ourselves and head out of the subway where we find the girl who led us to the subway in the first place. 

She runs to me with tears in her eyes hugging me. "I'm so sorry, they told me that if I didn't lead you down there they were going to kill my mommy!" She cries as she hugs me. I kneel down to reach eye level to her and I hug her. "It's okay you were protecting your family. I would do the same."


Later on, we head back to our camp and rest. "We have just received an order to head towards Shinjuku, they need help with the attack the vampires have planned there." Shinoa says as she sits down by the fire. The group all silently acknowledges her and nods.  Ah one day of killing vampires done and another one we come, vampires 

I'm Coming to kill you............

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