Chapter 40: Seraph

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Kimiko's POV:


"Akane, they suspect a demon has taken over my body. You're going to have to get out sooner or later." I say.

"But it's only a matter of time until I have full control of your body. I think I'll kill Yuu and Mika and make you watch, wouldn't that be nice? Actually how about I kill them now?" She laughs. My eyes widen in disbelief.

"No you can't it's still my body, you can't do anything I don't want to do."

"I'm not so sure about that, but let's try it out." She smirks and disappears.

Akane's POV:

~Nagoya Airport~

I look around and see we're at the Airport Yuu was talking about. I stand up and see Renge and Isao in front of me. "Welcome back, Kimiko." Renge says. Isao grabs me and whisper in my ear. "Pretend that we're holding you captive."

"What's going on? Why am I here?" I say confused. "Kimiko!" Haruhi yells. I face forward and see Haruhi with the rest of Yuu squad.

"Why are you here? How did you get here?" Haruhi says.

"Haruhi join me, let these idiotic humans fight themselves and then we can rule Japan together." Isao says.

"What, why would you want to rule over Japan? You used to love Krul." She responds.

"Japan has been ruled by Krul long enough it's time it need a new leader."

"You are in no way able to rule over Japan it will never happen, you ca-" She stops speaking when the rest of the vampire come.

Finally, Ferid has been taking such a long time to get here.

The humans and the vampire engage in a battle and both Yuu and Mika begin to realize their surroundings.

"Yuu-chan!" A purple headed girl yells.

Both Yuu and Mika, pull out their weapons. "No, you're staying over here." Renge says. She tries to fight them, but they end up going behind Yuu's squad. "Kimiko!" Yuu yells. I run over to him and point my sword to his neck. "It's now time to test Kimiko's power." He looks at me with wide eyes. I put him down and stand above Yuu. I begin to put more pressure on the sword and it starts to dig into his neck, and blood starts to draw.

"Don't you like this Mika, his tasty blood dripping from his neck." I turn my head to look over at Mika and he on the edge of losing control. "Maybe if I drip a bit more." I dig deeper and Yuu winces. " Oh the powerful Yuu is afraid of a girl with a sword." I laugh. "I've been wanting to kill you for years, and finally I will." I pull my arm back to launch the sword in his neck. When everything goes black and I see Kimiko in front of me.

"Awww, but Kimiko I was so close, to killing Yuu, it would have been so much fun, and his blood looked so good. "

"You've ruined enough of my life, I'm taking my body back." She says.

"Like you could ever get that mu-." I start. She then puts her hand in my chest. "Get out bitch." She says and then everything gets blurry.

Kimiko's POV:

~Nagoya Airport~

I wake up and see myself on top of Yuu with my sword pointing to his neck. I jump off of him and begin to think.

What was Akane-. Why, how could she even try?

"Where am I?" I asks. Yuu looks at me in confusion. "Did I do this? Why? Are you okay?" I say and grab his hand and help him stand up.

"What? Who are you? What are you?" He asks. "I-" I start to speak when Mika moves me away from Yuu. "What are you? Don't come near us, you monster." Mika says. "Mika, Yuu I'm sorry, it wasn'-" I begin.

"Get away from us." Mika says pointing his sword towards my neck.

"Mika, it's me Kimiko. I'm sorry for everything I've done. But I don't have much time and you both need to know that Akane she isn't dead, she's possessed my body, when Shinya shot, me I started to die and she slowly took over my body. But you all need to get out of here the humans are going to be using the Seraph to kill vampires. " I say and Mika lowers his sword.

"We can't leave I need to find Guren." Yuu says. I open I mouth to speak again when a human girl comes out of the humans truck and starts transforming into a huge demon looking creature. "What is that?" Yuu asks.

"It's a Seraph." A voice turns around and I see Haruhi, I smile and hug her. " I've missed you so much. I'm sorry for everything, that's. I was possessed by a dem-."

"It's okay, I know. I talked with Krul and told me she sense another soul in your body." She says.

"What's a Seraph?" Mika asks.

"It's what you three are, but that's the experiment fully completed." She says pointing to demon. "That's the fifth trumpet, devil's Abaddon."

"How do we kill it?" Yuu asks.

"You can't, in les-" She stops. "What Haruhi? What do we have to do?" I ask.

"It's to dangerous we can't do it." She says. "Do one of us have to die?" I ask. "It's a possibility, but we can't try it. "

"Oh, but Kimiko I know how to awaken your 'demon', you will finally be able to save your family, unlike when we were kids. Let me take you over again and I'll kill it, then all of you can leave together." Akane says.

"How?" I ask.

"Kill yourself and I'll take care of the rest of it." She says.

" Haruhi are you sure there is no other way to kill it?" I say. She nods and I pull out my sword. "I'm sorry, please after this watch my body." I point the sword to much body, and I feel tears forming in my eyes. "What are you doing Kimiko!" Mika yells. Before anyone else does anything I push the in my chest and everything goes black.

There I see Akane. "Do it."

"Under one condition. " You allow me posses your body, in two years time." She says.


"Like I said this body will be mine, and if you want me to save everyone you love, so you will agree to my terms, otherwise you and your family will die."

"Fine." I say. She then walks over to me and I feel myself drift.

"Bye bye Kimiko."

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