Chapter 3: Life Goes On

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Kimiko's POV:

~ Unknown ~

I jolted awake, gasping for air, my body trembling. I took in my surroundings, realizing that I was enclosed within a capsule of some sort. To my right, I saw Mika, also confined in a similar capsule. Desperate to get his attention, I began knocking on the capsule, but he remained unconscious. Frantically, I started hitting the capsule in an attempt to break free, but my efforts proved futile.

As voices approached, I swiftly closed my eyes, pretending to be asleep. "Yes, my lady, both children are alive and have survived the blood rush," a masculine voice said, although tinged with uncertainty.

"So, both children are alive, but both are incomplete," a feminine voice responded. I knew this voice; it sounded familiar, like I had heard it before. The conversation between the man and the girl abruptly ceased, prompting me to slowly open my eyes, cautiously peeking if they were still present. As I did, I found the pink-haired girl gazing down at me. A small yelp escaped my lips in surprise.

"Oh, Kimiko, you're awake," she spoke calmly and pressed a button, causing the top of the capsule to pop open. I hopped out, and she instructed me to follow her. Casting a final glance back at Mika, I complied and trailed behind her, exiting the room.

"So, how do you feel?" the girl asked, her confusion evident. I responded quickly and awkwardly, "Where am I?" She abruptly halted, her gaze fixated on me. "Welcome to the center of Sanguinem, my home. But more importantly, how do you feel?" she asked eagerly, leaving me feeling uncertain and self-conscious.

"Um, fine? A bit sick?" I nervously replied. "Ah, well, I am Krul Tepes. You'll be staying with me for a while," she stated as we continued walking down a corridor, eventually entering a grand throne room. This was the lady who killed me. What had she done to me?

A sudden wave of sickness coursed through my stomach, causing me to halt in my tracks. My vision blurred as I clutched my abdomen, desperately seeking answers. Krul knelt beside me, biting her wrist and offering it to me. Without thinking, I brought her arm closer to my mouth. Her blood then touches my tounge and I am confused by how natural and welcoming it feels. Before I could succumb to my instincts, I recoiled, pushing myself away from her.

"What's wrong with me?!" I asked, fear and confusion consuming me as I curled up, burying my face in my knees, tears streaming down my face. "What happened to my family?" I inquired, terrified for their safety, knowing that someone had likely harmed them.

"Oh, sweet Kimiko, it's okay. You will know everything in due time, once you're ready. But for now, I can assure you that both Mika and Yuu are safe," she said calmly, attempting to console me. "Thank you," I whispered softly. Krul smiled warmly, extending her hand to help me up. I accepted her gesture, standing alongside her. "We're going to the throne room for some important business. Would you like to join me?" she asked, to which I nodded in response. Together, we walked towards the throne room, embarking on a new chapter of my life.

Mika's POV:

~ Unknown ~

My eyes shot open, and I found myself enclosed within a circular object. I think a capsule? Confusion overwhelmed me as I wondered where I was. I should be dead... Yuu, he's free. As voices drew closer, I turned my gaze to identify their source.

Instantly I recognized the smiling face of that bastard, Ferid. He approached me, grinning with delight and waving.

Shocked and hurt, tears welled up in my eyes. He leaned down and pressed a button, causing the top of the capsule to pop off. Sitting up, I reached for my chest, only to find evidence of the wound still present but miraculously healed. "Good morning, Mika-kun! How are you feeling today?" he asked in an overly cheerful tone, his eyes fixed on me.

"What did you do to me? You monster!" I screamed, my words filled with anger and disgust. "Where am I?! Get away from me!" I shouted, my frustration boiling over. He...he killed my family. He killed me. "Ah, most of your little family might be gone, but I promise you that both little Yuu and Kimiko are alright," he said, evoking a sigh of relief. They're okay, thank goodness.

"But now we are in the center of Sanguinem, the home of Krul Tepes. She needs you here for personal reasons. Now get up; we're leaving," Ferid explained, turning to leave the room. "What? No! I'm not going anywhere with you!" I yelled, my anger intensifying. Ferid was a vampire, a monster. I would never align myself with him.

Yuu's POV:

~ Outside of Sanguinem ~

I burst through the door, leaving behind Mika, Kimiko, and my entire family, determined to escape the clutches of the vampires. I sprinted as fast as my legs could carry me, ascending through another tunnel until I reached the exit, where moonlight bathed the snowy landscape. Without hesitation, I continued running, my feet crunching against the cold snow. However, my carelessness caused me to trip over a branch, tumbling down the snowy hill.

Finally reaching the bottom, I surveyed the scene before me—a city in ruins. Had the world truly fallen into ruin, just as the vampires had claimed? Footsteps approached from behind, and I swiftly turned around, ready to confront any potential vampires. To my surprise, a group of humans stood before me. A tall man with black hair and purple eyes, donning a green and black uniform, approached.

"As promised, a test subject of the Hyakuya experiments," he stated, his gaze fixed on me. Overwhelmed with relief and longing for human connection, I embraced him. A fellow human. I would avenge my family—for Kimiko, for Mika. I would eliminate every last vampire.

"Boy, will you help us exterminate the vampire race?" he asked, his voice devoid of emotion. Memories of my family's slaughter replayed in my mind as I answered his question. "I will kill every damn vampire!"

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