Chapter 38: Thoughts

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Akane's POV:

Mika sinks his teeth into Yuu's neck. Mika, then lays back, he then covers his face with his hair. He looks up at Yuu and smiles, he's fully changed now.I look at them and they're smiling. What ever I do to get my revenge on Mika or Yuu, never works. Family in this world isn't a thing. "Well, -" Suddenly before I can speak. Everything goes black.


I feel myself awake up moments later, but in a different place. "Hello?" I yell. I hear a quick movement behind me. I turn around and see Kimiko. "Why hello there Kimiko. How's life here is this hell of a limbo." I say. She stays silent and continues to look at me in hatred. "I know you can speak, so do it." I spat. She glares even more and then says.


"Finally you talk, how's it been in here? Fun I'm guessing?" I say.

"You can't keep me here forever. They're going to find out, it's not that I just lost my memories, I lost my body as well." She says.

"Well that's cute you think that, I have outside resources sweetie, unlike you. Lost in here, stuck forever and when I finally drink demons blood. I will permanently have your body. And there's no way out of that." I say.

"I will get out of here, you bitch. I thought you were my friend, my family. What have anyone of us done to you to cause to hate us so much." She asks.

" You left me. All of you left me. While you and Mika were off with Ferid, giving him your blood, for useless items. I was making deals with Lest Karr. He knew about the attack on my family, and he said, that he would turn me if I saved you guys. He wanted the seraphs from Krul, but she wouldn't give us to him. So I gave him my blood. But I was never able to become a full vampire. When our family was attacked, I finally was able to get some blood. But before I could consume anymore blood, I was killed. Causing me to become a full vampire, but never made it pass Ferids attack.

"So you died and became a demon, like vampires do after they die. But why did you come for me first, I wasn't even there at the attack on our family."

"You lived! If you had died like you should have and I wouldn't be possessing you now. Although my hatred for you has been long going. You are the reason I never got to become a vampire, I would have lived if you didn't stop Krul from coming to us sooner I would have been given the chance to become one."

"You want to be a monster? The creatures that killed our family, the people who imprisoned us as children. We have done nothing to them and they continuously ruin our lives, and you want to become one of them. I will get my body back. I will warn Yuu and Mika, of your insanity. I know you don't have full control over me. You can't do anything I truly don't want to happen. As long as you can't kill anyone, I will stop you."

"How naive you are, although you are right about that. I will find a way to untie you from this body and it's control. I will keep this body and I will become a full vampire. And once I do I will be ruining the life of everyone you care for."

"Akane, you are truly a monster." She says.

"Well it looks like our little chat is over. Time for me to get back into your body, and keep it for myself." I say and then a bright lights comes.

Mika's POV:

Kimiko suddenly falls to the ground and seems to be passed out. I walk over to her she seems to be mumbling something. "Akane-monster-blood-Lest"

"What is she saying?" Yuu asks. "She's saying something about Akane, blood, Lest and some kind of monster."

"Do you think it has something to do with the new Kimiko?" Yuu asks. "If it has an explanation of why she's like this, then I hope we find out soon. But what does Akane have to do with Kimiko now?" I say.

" I'm not sure." Yuu respsonds.

She suddenly stop a breathing and speaking. "Kimiko! Kimiko!" Yuu begins to shake her shoulders trying to wake her up. "What's wrong with her?" Yuu panics. She begins to shake and a loud gasp escapes from Kimiko. She then starts breathing again and wakes up. She opens her eyes and looks confused for a moment.

"Kimiko are okay? Yuu asks. She stares at both Yuu and I in confusion. She opens her mouth to speak and stops.

"Kimiko a-are you alright? Can you speak?" I ask. She looks at me and nods. "I-i-i- I'm fine." She responds.

"What happened to you? Are you low on blood?" I ask. "I'm fine, but Mika who are those people that were following us?" She asks.

"Isao, he's a good friend of Ferid's and.......when we were younger, he tried to...kill you, for power. Because of that he was exiled from the Japanese empire and is supposed to be in Europe with Lest Karr's faction." I respond. "But Kimiko you're supposed so to know about this from your mother, you should know some more about the factions?"

"I know, I'm just not feeling right, is there a problem with that." She says annoyed. "Mika, Kimiko we need to get back to my squad." Yuu says.

"We're not going back, to them Yuu. The humans will use you." I say.

"Oh but on the contrary, we have been using you." A voice behind me says. I turn around and am faced with Renge and Isao.

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