Chapter 26: Mess

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Kimiko's POV:

~Outside Army Headquarters~

"He said he was going to kill me." I murmured, the weight of Guren's threat hanging heavy in the air.

"Why would he say that?" Yuu's voice was tinged with concern, his brows furrowed in confusion.

"Ummm well...." I admitted reluctantly, feeling a pang of guilt.

"Kimiko?" Yuu's tone shifted to a mix of frustration and care. He stares at me blankly clearly frustrated and angered with me and my approach to Guren.

"Sorry?" I whispered, realizing the gravity of my words.

"Kimiko, you're not five. Go apologize and come back," Yuu's words were firm yet gentle, nudging me to take responsibility. I made my way back to where Guren stood, his posture rigid with impatience. "I'm sorry," I mumbled, barely audible.

"What? I didn't catch that. Could you repeat?" Guren's voice was mocking, adding to my discomfort.

"I said I'm sorry," I repeated, annoyance creeping into my tone.

"Hahaha! Next time, watch what you say. Otherwise, I might actually consider killing you," Guren's words were sharp, a cruel edge to his laughter.

"Whatever, Guren," I retorted as I stormed out of the building, my emotions swirling.  I leave him be and begin walking the computs of Shibuya. It has almost been a month at this point since I've been here. This suffocating pain within me is growing. I'm unsure if this has to do with me need for blood or if this is something from my past. From all the information I've collected from Shinya and Yuu. They really don't know who I am now. Only my past. I feel like part of me is fighting her way through to be seen again. 

Whilst in the middle of my thoughts.  I run into Luna again, her presence a welcome contrast to the tension I feel within myself.

"Oh, hi Luna."

"Hello, Kimiko. How are you?" Luna's gentle voice was like a soothing balm.

"I'm alright. You?" I replied, grateful for her calming demeanor.

"I'm fine, just being my clumsy self," Luna chuckled, her eyes twinkling with humor. I look her and notice how young she is. And just as I'm about to ask her a question she blurts out the first question she could think of.

"So, how long have you been in the army?"

"Um, a while," I replied vaguely, not eager to dwell on my past.

"How long exactly?" Luna's gentle persistence urged me to open up.

"I don't really keep track. What about you?" I deflected, wanting to shift the focus. s

"Ah well four years ago my brother was killed in an attack in Sangiuem from a rouge vampire on the brink of starvation. He was brutally killed along with several other children his age and the surrounding vampire guards. I was truly an odd and unique attack." She finishes, but after a brief pause, she continues.

"Yet. After that I was saved by the Hiragi family. And I have vowed since that day to find and kill the vampire responsible for this death" As she finishes her story I find myself in great remorse and guilt.

"I'm so sorry. I can't imagine what it must be like going through such pain. " I responded saddened and pained by her experience.

"What are you doing, Kimiko?" a voice interrupted us, pulling me back to the present. I turned to see Yuu-chan with a bemused expression and folded arms, his presence a reminder of the complexities of my life.

"I'm making a new friend" I replied, feeling a mix of defensiveness and playfulness.

"Why?" Yuu's confusion was evident, his tone curious.

"Because she's nice and she's one of the first people to treat me like a real person" I stated simply, a small smile playing on my lips.

"Sorry, she has memory loss and can be very childish," Yuu explained, trying to diffuse the situation with a touch of humor.

"Yuu, be quiet," I snapped, feeling a surge of protectiveness towards Luna.

Both Luna and Yuu burst into laughter, their shared amusement contrasting with my initial embarrassment.

"You guys are mean," I muttered, a hint of a smile tugging at my lips as I turned away, ready to leave the awkward moment behind and retreat back home.

I walked away from Luna and Yuu, my mind buzzing with a mix of emotions. Luna's kindness had touched me deeply, offering a glimmer of warmth in this new life.

As I made my way home, memories and thoughts swirled in my mind like a tempest. Guren's harsh words echoed, reminding me of the challenges I faced within the army.

Luna's acceptance and understanding, however, were like a ray of sunlight breaking through the storm clouds. Her genuine friendship was a rare kindnesses. Arriving at my apartment, I found Yuu waiting for me, his expression a mix of concern and patience.

"Kimiko, are you okay?" Yuu's voice was soft, his eyes searching mine for any signs of distress.

"I'm fine," I replied curtly, not wanting to dwell on the recent events.

"Are you still mad at me?" Yuu's tone was tentative, his concern evident. I sighed, the tension in my shoulders easing slightly. "No, I'm not mad. Just... frustrated."

Yuu nodded, understanding my unspoken feelings. "Let's go training. It might help clear your mind." I hesitated for a moment, wavering between exhaustion and the need to focus on something other than my tangled emotions. Finally, I nodded, a determined spark igniting within me.

"Okay, let's go," I agreed, pushing aside the lingering doubts and worries.

We headed out for training, the familiar routine offering a sense of structure amidst the chaos of my thoughts. As we walked, a sudden alarm blared through the city, jolting us out of our training mindset.

"What's going on?" I asked, my senses on high alert.

We listened to the urgent announcement, my heart racing as the words sank in.

"Alert! Code Red! A vampire is loose in the city. Blond, noble clothes, and very hungry."

Fear mingled with determination as I braced myself for the impending threat. The adrenaline rush fueled my focus, pushing aside personal conflicts in favor of a more immediate danger.

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