Chapter 2: Bloodshed

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Yuu's POV:

~ Inside the home of the Hyakuya family ~

"Everyone, we have an important announcement to make!" Mika's voice reverberated through the cramped confines of our tiny home, which resembled more of a hole in the wall. So small it could barely accommodate our entire family. "Tonight, we shall depart from this vampire-infested city and venture into the open world of humans!" Kimiko exclaimed, her voice brimming with excitement and joy.

At the mere mention of leaving the city, the children erupted into a crowd of ecstatic shouts and cheers. It had always been our collective dream to escape this wretched place and return to our true home, but the idea existed only as a figment of our imagination. "Come on! Let's go!" Mika's voice boomed from atop a table, his index finger pointing resolutely towards the door ahead.

We hastily gathered essential supplies—food, water, and anything else we deemed necessary for our journey—and embarked into the underground tunnels that Kimiko and Mika had discovered as a secret passage out of the city.

"Now, everyone, follow me this way," Mika whispered, casting a furtive glance towards our family members behind him. Leading from the front, I found myself in the middle, flanked by Akane and Kimiko, who diligently watched for any signs of guards from behind.

As we advanced, shadows appeared on the horizon, closing in on us. Kimiko gestured wordlessly to Mika and me, mouthing her intentions. "Go on ahead, I'll keep them distracted," she silently mouthed, motioning us away with her outstretched arms.

Quickly Kimiko positions herself in front of the vampire guards, making conversation while we stealthily made our escape. Faintly, we heard snippets of her fabricated tale, convincing them that she was there on the orders of Lord Ferid. Seizing the opportunity, we delved deeper into the tunnels.

"I believe we're almost there," Mika whispered, and we entered a spacious white room adorned with towering pillars that emanated an ethereal glow. Progressing down the broad hallway, we made our way towards a brightly lit chamber, where a colossal door stood as the presumed exit. Just as we approached the end of the hallway, Lord Ferid emerged from the side, sauntering to the center of the room, his countenance adorned with a wide, malevolent grin.

"Well, hello there! I've been eagerly awaiting your arrival!" Ferid's voice resonated with gleeful anticipation as he placed a hand on his hip. "You poor little lambs, with faces that reflect the last flicker of hope. Such a delightful and intriguing sight," he exclaimed, flashing his smile once more. "And that is precisely why I cannot put an end to this game."

Shock enveloped me as I exchanged a bewildered glance with Mika, his expression contorted with confusion and anguish. "Get out of the way!" Mika bellowed, his voice filled with frustration as he aimed his gun at Ferid.

A mocking laugh escaped Ferid's lips in response to Mika's defiant act. "Ah, little Mika-kun, it appears you've stumbled upon my map," Ferid remarked, his grin widening as he lunged towards us with a speed that defied human perception.

Acting swiftly, he snatched Kouta, enfolding her within his arms. A wave of fear and terror gripped me as I pondered his sinister intentions. Without hesitation, Ferid sank his fangs into Kouta's neck, draining her life force until she crumpled to the ground, lifeless.

"Oh, she's already dead?" Ferid's bored tone belied the malicious act he had just committed. However, his gaze shifted towards the rest of us, brimming with sadistic excitement, causing everyone to erupt into screams.

Kimiko's POV

~ In the Tunnels ~

As I am speaking the guards, an unsettling symphony of screams pierced the air, undoubtedly originating from my beloved family. Anxiety coiled within me, urging me to find a way out and rescue them. I need to get out of here.

"Well, gentlemen, I suppose I should bid you farewell," I awkwardly uttered, attempting to exit myself from their grasp. However, one of the guards grabbed my shoulder, leaning closer to whisper in my ear.

"We want you to relish the screams of your dying family," he taunted, a sinister grin spreading across his face. Tears welled up in my eyes, and anguish tightened its grip around my heart. "No," I whispered quietly as the screams persisted, their volume gradually diminishing, fading into the abyss.

"No! Let me go! What have you done to my family?" I screamed in anguish, my voice breaking into sobs as I helplessly listen. From behind me, a young girl with vibrant pink hair approached, curiosity twinkling in her eyes. "Now, what is a delicate flower like you doing here?" she inquired, her tone filled with intrigue. I turned towards her, my tear-streaked face pleading for mercy. "Please," I implored, my desperation evident in the tears cascading down my cheeks.

"Ah, yes. You are a member of the Hyakuya family, indeed a valuable asset to me," she mused, a mischievous smirk playing on her lips. "What do you want with me?" I shrieked, frustration resonating in my voice, but she merely continued to regard me with a morbid fascination. The screams of my family had now subsided, leaving behind a deafening silence. "They're dead. All of them," I murmured, my voice barely audible as I crumbled to the floor, overwhelmed by the crushing pain of loss.

"Ah, yes. You shall be a valuable puppet," she retorted, swiftly closing the distance between us, her grip tightening around my neck, constricting my breath. "Please...kill me," I pleaded, but her laughter echoed sadistically in response.

"Oh, there will be time for that later," she sneered before sinking her fangs into my neck. An excruciating pain surged through my body, blurring my vision and plunging me into darkness. The last words I heard, disoriented and fragmented, were: "Bring... back... me... alive... done..."

Mika's POV

~ The Exit ~

Ferid had killed them all. One by one. I watched helplessly as my family succumbed to his sadistic whims, paying the price for my foolish attempt of freedom. "Please, release them. Why?" I pleaded, tears streaming down my face as each family member valiantly attempted to escape to safety, leaving only Yuu and me behind. Gazing at Ferid one last time, a seething anger coursed through me. "Yuu, give me the gun."

"No! What are you thinking?" he protested, his voice a blend of anger and sorrow. "Give me the gun. I will distract him while you run. Go!" I commanded, my voice filled with urgency. He reluctantly handed me the weapon, and I charged towards Ferid. Preparing to take aim, I suddenly felt a searing pain in my chest. Glancing down,

I saw Ferid's hand, cruelly embedded in my flesh. Determined, I attempted to target him once more, but he swiftly slashed my arm.

Crumpling to the ground, the gun slipped from my grasp. Yuu's eyes locked with mine, brimming with tears, as he rushed to finish what I had started. He seized the weapon and fired a bullet into Ferid's head, causing him to collapse lifeless on the ground. A faint smile graced my lips as Yuu approached me, tears cascading down his cheeks.

"Mika, Mik-" he began, but I silenced him with a gesture. "Yuu... go... don't let our sacrifices be in vain," I rasped, a cough shaking my weakened body. "No... I won't! We're supposed to be a family!" he cried out, his voice filled with desperation. "We're meant to be together!" he yelled, attempting to pull my lifeless body towards the exit.

I caught sight of the guards, the ones Kimiko had encountered, emerging from the tunnels and converging upon the hallways. With a surge of resolve, I pushed him away. "Hurry up, you fool!" I yelled, his stunned expression mirrored in my eyes. He glanced once more at the approaching guards, then at me. "I... I can't. I have a family now!" he shouted.

"Go! You Idiot!" I screamed, and he hesitated for a moment before finally sprinting towards the exit. As I witnessed him flee, a sense of peace washed over me. In his heart, he had considered us family.

Closing my eyes, I prepared for my final moments when a young girl with vivid pink hair materialized before me. "Ah, another surviving Hyakuya? Such a pretty pawn," she remarked, her voice dripping with amusement. Gripping me tightly, she sunk her fangs into my neck, and an unbearable agony consumed me as darkness filled my consciousness.

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