Chapter 22: Memories

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Kimiko's POV:


"You know who I am" the voice echoes, sending a shiver down my spine.

"No, I don't," I reply, my voice trembling with uncertainty.

"Here, I'll let you return, but only if you give me something in return," the voice offers, its tone cryptic yet enticing.

"I'll do whatever it takes, but please, let me go back to my friends," I plead, desperation creeping into my words.

"You must give me your-"

Before the voice can finish, darkness envelops me, and I'm consumed by a bone-chilling coldness.

Yuu's POV:

~Imperial Army Headquarters~

"No, please don't kill her!" I yell desperately at Guren as he raises his sword, pointing it at Kimiko's head.

"Any last words, vampire?" Guren's voice is cold, devoid of mercy.

"Please take care of Yuu for me, and tell him I'm sorry we couldn't be a family. But if you want to live, kill me now," Kimiko pleads, her voice trembling with emotion.

"How pathetic," Guren scoffs, a cruel smile playing on his lips. With swift precision, he thrusts his sword through Kimiko's chest, then pulls it to the side. She dissolves into ash, her last words a whispered apology.

I watch in horror as her form disintegrates. "Why did you do that?" My voice is choked with grief and anger as I confront Guren.

"She was a vampire, Yuu, a threat," Guren replies calmly, sheathing his sword.

"She wasn't attacking us, she was trying to stop herself," I protest, tears welling up in my eyes. "She didn't mean us harm. You didn't have to kill her."

I collapse to the ground, overcome with sorrow. The weight of guilt settles heavily on my shoulders as I realize that I've lost her again. Mika will be devastated when he learns the news. It's my fault she's gone, and now any chance of us being together is shattered.

As I stand up and prepare to leave the interrogation room, now that Guren has opened the door, I hear a voice that sounds like Kimiko's. I turn back, disbelief written on my face as I see her sitting there, naked but somehow alive where she had died. Hastily, I drape my cloak over her shoulders.

"Kimiko, you're alive," I exclaim, a mix of joy and confusion in my voice.

"Who are you?" Her question is innocent, her memory seemingly wiped clean.

"It's me, Yuichiro, but you can call me Yuu."

"Yuu-chan!" Her eyes light up with recognition and happiness.

"Yeah, come with me," I offer my hand, helping her to her feet. "Let's get you some clothes."

We leave the interrogation room, and I lead Kimiko to my house. Along the way, we encounter Guren, who is visibly shocked to see her alive and unchained.

"How is that creature alive? Why isn't she in chains?" Guren's voice is a mixture of astonishment and confusion.

"I don't know what happened, but when I left the interrogation, she was no longer ash, though she had lost her memory," I explain, keeping a protective arm around Kimiko.

"Hello, my name is..." Kimiko pauses, turning to me for help.

"Kimiko," I supply her name, watching as she greets Guren with a cheerful smile, oblivious to the tension in the air.

"Are you okay?" Kimiko asks Guren innocently.

"How are you alive?" Guren's voice betrays his disbelief.

We quickly excuse ourselves and head to my room. My team is there, surprised to see Kimiko.

"What is she doing here?" Kimizuki asks, his expression puzzled.

"Guren killed her," I inform them, prompting a chorus of questions.

"It's strange, she came back to life but has no memory," I explain, trying to make sense of the situation.

As we discuss what to do with Kimiko, the girls return, Kimiko now dressed and seemingly more at ease.

"Hi, Yuu-chan," Kimiko greets me warmly, her earlier confusion replaced with a sense of calm.

"Hi, Kimiko. Are you feeling better?" I inquire, relieved to see her adjusting.

"Yes, clothes make me feel warm," Kimiko replies happily, settling onto my bed.

"We'll talk more about this later," I tell my team as they leave, finally able to relax a bit knowing that Kimiko is safe, if a bit bewildered by her newfound state.

Mika's POV:


As we walk down the streets of the destroyed human cities, the remnants of civilization are stark reminders of the chaos that has engulfed our world. We pass by makeshift human camps, where survivors huddle together, clinging to hope.

"Do you know how to get inside?" Haruhi's voice interrupts my somber thoughts, bringing me back to the present.

"I do," Renge's response is resolute, a hint of determination in her eyes. She leads Haruhi and me down a hidden path, away from prying eyes and potential threats.

The path takes us through winding alleys and abandoned buildings, each of our step echoing in silence. We tread carefully, avoiding any signs of activity that might reveal our location.

Finally, we reach the outskirts of Shibuya. "This way," Renge whispers, guiding us towards a hidden entrance.

We descend into the depths of the city through a drain, the stench of decay mingling with the memories that flood my mind. It's a familiar feeling, the darkness of the sewers mirroring the darkness in my soul.

This place reminds me of the day when my family was taken from me. The pain is still raw, the guilt crushing. It was my mistake, my naivety, that led to their demise. The day I lost everything, including my faith in humanity. It's pathetic.

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